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Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act No. 97 of 1998)ConstitutionsConstitution of the Information Systems (IT), Electronics and Telecommunications Technologies Sector Education and Training Authority (ISETT SETA)Chapter Two2. Definitions |
means Adult Basic Education and Training;
means any person appointed by the relevant stakeholder group as an alternate to a representative;
means the Information Systems, Electronics and Telecommunications Technologies Sector Education and Training Authority established hereby (see Clause 5.1);
means any person who chairs any meeting of the Authority or a Committee;
means the Chief Executive Officer as appointed in terms of this Constitution;
means any Standing Committee, ad hoc or Sub Committee of the Authority;
means unanimous agreement;
means any person elected to the position of Deputy Chairperson in terms of this Constitution;
means registered statements of desired education and training outcomes and their associated assessment criteria as defined in Section 1 of the SAQA Act;
means any organisation, trade union or federation of trade unions that are sufficiently representatives of the employees employed by an employer and registered as such under the Labour Relations Act 1995 (Act No 66 of 1995) ("the LRA");
means Authority as defined in clause 2.3 herein above;
means the Education and Training Quality Assurance body established in terms of the SAQA Act;
means usage of information to advance personal interests and/or at the disadvantage of the Authority;
means a Learnership contemplated in Chapter 4 of the Act;
means a process by which a person gains skills, knowledge and values;
means the Minister of Labour;
means the national qualifications framework as defined in Section 1 of the SAQA Act;
means the national skills development strategy referred to in section 5 (a) (ii) of the Act;
means the state, any employer's organisation registered as such in terms of the provisions of the LRA and operate in the Information, System Electronics and Telecommunications Technologies Seta, and any other association of employers;
means any other ad hoc committees that may be formed by the Authority;
means any member of the committees nominated by the other members of the Committee in the absence of the Chairperson or in the case where the Chairperson is unable to preside over the meeting;
means any member of the Authority or any committee and includes any alternate designated by the stakeholder group to attend a meeting of the Authority or any committee on behalf of such stakeholder group;
means the Republic of South Africa as defined by South African Constitution;
means the South African Qualifications Authority Act 1995 (Act No 58 of 1995);
means appointed independent observers who are not member of the Authority;
means the Information Systems, Electronics and Telecommunication Technologies sector as determined by the Minister in terms of Section 9 of the Act and Government Gazette No 27445 of 31 March 2005;
means the Sector Education Training Authority established in terms of section 9(1) of the Act;
means the Skills Development Levies Act, 1999 (Act No 9 of 1999) (as amended);
means research to identify skills needs and develop a strategic plan to address the needs;
1. | A Sub Committee established by the Authority or Committee to perform a function, which is not assigned to any Committee. |
2. | Any ad hoc committee established for a limited term to perform any function of the Authority which is not a function of any committee; and |
3. | Competitive advantage; |
4. | For personal gain; |
5. | In the case of a committee, the Authority; and |
6. | In the case of a standing committee, ad hoc committee or sub committee, the Authority or any committee that establishes the sub committee, ad hoc committee or standing committee as the case may be; |
7. | In the case of the Authority, the Minister; |
1. | Release to third parties for unlawful or competitive purposes. |
means the Skills Development Act 1998 (Act No 97 of 1998) as amended;
means the Labour Relations Act 1995 (Act No 66 of 1995);
means the Republic of South Africa.
means the Skills Development Levies Act, 1999 (Act No 9 of 1999).