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Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act No. 97 of 1998)ConstitutionsConstitution of Wholesale and Retail Sector Education and Training Authority (W&R SETA)17. Removal from the Board |
17.1 | A member shall be removed from the Board , the Executive Committee, and any other committee or sub committee established in terms of this Constitution and no person shall be entitled to hold any office established in terms of this constitution where such person or Board members: |
17.1.1 | Commits an act of fraud or dishonesty which impairs the integrity of W&R SETA, or any committee or chamber established in terms of this constitution; |
17.1.2 | Becomes of unsound mind; |
17.1.3 | Is convicted of an offence of which dishonesty is an element; |
17.1.4 | Is unfit or incapable of acting as a Board member; |
17.1.5 | Becomes insolvent or assigns his/her estate for the benefit of or compounds with his creditors; |
17.1.6 | Becomes disqualified in terms of the Companies Act, 1973 (Act No. 61 of 1973) as amended from time to time to act as a Director of a company; |
17.1.7 | Is absent from any 3 (three) consecutive meetings of the relevant and/or committee meeting without good cause; |
17.1.8 | Was appointed by a constituency to serve on the Board and such constituency wishes to withdraw that appointment pursuant and to replace that nominee with another appointee; or |
17.2 | A Board members may resign from the Board, any committee, sub committee or chamber by giving the Chairperson not less than 1 (one) month’s notice in writing. |
17.3 | Where a person resigns or is removed from the Board in terms of this clause he or she shall be replaced by the constituency which appointed that Board members within 30 (thirty) days from the effective date of the resignation or removal for the remaining term of office of the original Board members. |