Labour Relations Act, 1995
R 385
Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act No. 97 of 1998)RegulationsRegulations for the Conditions of Service and Appointment of the CEO of a SETA6. Short listing and Selection |
(1) | The executive committee of a SETA as established in terms of its constitution is responsible for the pre-selection and short listing of candidates. |
(2) | The selection process commences after the closing date of the advertisement. |
(3) | The executive committee must— |
(a) | verify the qualifications and work record of short listed candidates, especially the three candidates nominated for appointment; |
(b) | develop a qualifying pre-selection and short listing criteria; |
(c) | identify a shortlist of candidates to be invited for interviews; and |
(d) | interview the short listed candidates to identity three suitable candidates for recommendation to the Minister for appointment. |
(4) | During the pre-selection and short listing candidates can be eliminated by using legends related to the advertised requirements for the post such as: |
(a) | lack of specific knowledge, competencies or high level skills; |
(b) | lack of identified managerial skills and experience; |
(c) | lack of proven high level communication skills; and |
(d) | the candidate does not comply with requirements with regard to the educational qualifications. |
(5) | During the selection process, care should be taken that all candidates are provided equal opportunities. This implies that they must be evaluated against the same requirements and criteria implying that they be asked the same questions and be subjected to the same testing. |
(6) | The three candidates recommended to the Minister for appointment must be subjected to a professional competency assessment as identified by the Accounting Authority. |
(7) | An executive committee must record the reasons for its decisions. These records together with all the information on the pre-selection process should be filed properly so that queries can be responded to. |