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Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act No. 97 of 1998)


Constitution of the Chemical Industries and Training Authority (CHIETA)

15. Functions of the Secretariat


15.1 The Secretariat will be responsible for the following functions:
15.1.1 compiling the Sector Skills Plan from information collected from chemical sector employers, chamber Skills Plans, the critical skills matrix and any other relevant research report;
15.1.2 generating standards in accordance with the scarce/critical skills identified by the sector;
15.1.3 consolidating learnerships submitted by employers in the sector for the Chambers and the sector;
15.1.4 maintaining a database of learnership agreements;
15.1.5 administering and reporting to the Chambers on adherence to standards and qualifications;
15.1.6 maintaining a database of providers, verifiers and assessors;
15.1.7 managing and overseeing a procedure for receipt of levy transfers and disbursing of grants for the CHIETA;
15.1.8 developing and managing the financial strategy of the CHIETA and reporting quarterly on the CHIETAs financial position to the Governing Board;
15.1.9 compiling financial reports for submission to the Director-General;
15.1.10 distributing information to the Governing Board, all committees established in terms of this constitution, Employment Services and the Department;
15.1.11 collating quarterly reports from the Chambers in respect of the sub-sectoral employment situation;
15.1.12 ensuring an open line of communication between all structures of the CHIETA and other SETAs;
15.1.13 managing and overseeing the Procurement Procedure, in terms of Section 76(4)c of the Public Finance Management Act;
15.1.14 investigating and reporting to the Governing Board on any matter relating to the sector or undertaking such investigation as may be required by the activities of the Governing Board;
15.1.15 making recommendations to EXCO in respect of the appointment of employees, the conditions of employment and employment policies and procedures;
15.1.16 maintaining and amending a schedule of participating Trade Unions, Employers' Associations, and committees approved by the Governing Board: and
15.1.17 preparing quarterly reports for submission to the Governing Board.