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Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act No. 97 of 1998)


Constitution of the Agriculture Sector Education and Training Authority (AgriSETA)

Chapter Six : Standing Committees

33. Sub-Sectoral Committees (SSCs)


33.1 The Governing Board may establish SSCs as agreed to by the different industry groupings within the sector.


33.2 Composition


33.2.1 Each SSC shall consist of the following voting representatives: a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 representatives representing organized employers; and a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 representatives representing organised labour.


33.2.2 There must be an equal representation of organized employers and organised labour in each SSC.


33.2.3 The SSCs may invite any person to attend any meeting of the SSC for a specific period or purpose but such person will not be entitled to participate in any voting.


33.2.4 Each SSC must appoint a chairperson and deputy chairperson who must generally supervise, manage and co-ordinate the functions of the SSC.


33.3 Functions of SSCs


The SSCs may:

33.3.1 develop and make recommendations regarding the Sector Skills Plan for submission to the Governing Board;
33.3.2 facilitate the development of the Sector Skills Plan for approval by the Governing Board;
33.3.3 collate information in respect of retrenchments from individual companies within the SSC;
33.3.4 report the results of implementation of the Skills Development Strategy within the SSC to the Executive Committee; and
33.3.5 perform any other function determined by the Governing Board.