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Skills Development Act, 1998 (Act No. 97 of 1998)


Constitution of the Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority (SASSETA)

Chapter Four : Chambers

20. Establishment of Chambers


20.1 The following chambers of SASSETA are hereby established:
20.1.1 the Policing Chamber;
20.1.2 the Justice Chamber;
20.1.3 the Legal Services Chamber;
20.1.4 the Corndons Chamber;
20.1.5 the Defence Chamber;
20.1.6 the Statutory Intelligence Chamber; and
20.1.7 the Private Security Chamber.


20.2 Each chamber must consist of an equal number of members representing employees and employers and may include such additional members as the Board may determine.


20.3 Every organisation that is entitled to nominate a member to a chamber may also nominate an alternate to that member to substitute when that member is temporarily absent and unable to attend a meeting of the chamber.


20.4 An alternate member contemplated in clause 20.3 has all the rights and duties of the member of the chamber whilst substituting for that member.


20.5 The members of the chambers must be nominated and appointed as contemplated in Schedule 3 to this constitution.