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Social Housing Act, 2008 (Act No. 16 of 2008)RulesRules on Long-Term Accreditation of Social Housing InstitutionsChapter 211. Assessment of accreditation application |
11.1 | The Regulatory Authority shall, upon evaluation of the documentation submitted by the applicant, determine whether the applicant meets the criteria for accreditation. |
11.2 | The Regulatory Authority shall, subject to these rules, notify the applicant of the outcome of the evaluation of documents in writing within a period of ninety (90) days from the submission date, or such other timeframe as may be determined by the Regulatory Authority. |
11.3 | If the applicant’s documentation meets the Regulatory Authority’s prescribed accreditation requirements, criteria and standards for social housing institutions, the Regulatory Authority may, in its absolute discretion, schedule an audit visit to the institution. |