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Table of Contents
Social Housing Act, 2008 (Act No. 16 of 2008)
Notice No. 1199 of 2008
Chapter 1 : Definitions and General Principles Applicable to Social Housing
1. Definitions
2. General principles applicable to social housing
Chapter 2 : Roles and Responsibilities
3. Roles and responsibilities of national government
4. Roles and responsibilities of provincial government
5. Roles and responsibilities of municipalities
6. Roles and responsibilities of other role-players
Chapter 3 : Social Housing Regulatory Authority
7. Establishment of Social Housing Regulatory Authority
8. Composition of Regulatory Authority
9. Appointment of Council
10. Staff of Regulatory Authority
11. Functions of Regulatory Authority
12. Powers of intervention of Regulatory Authority
Chapter 4 : Social Housing Institutions
13. Accreditation of social housing institutions
14. Functions of social housing institutions
15. Management of social housing institutions
16. Reporting by social housing institutions
Chapter 5 : General Provisions
17. Just administrative action
18. Financing of social housing
19. Regulations
20. Short title and commencement
Social Housing Regulations
Notice No. R. 51 of 2012
Chapter 1 : Interpretation and Definitions
1. Definitions
Chapter 2 : Applications, accreditation, qualify criteria
2. Application for accreditation
3. Qualifying criteria for accreditation of social housing institutions
4. Provisionally accredited social housing institutions at commencement of Act
5. Register of social housing institutions
Chapter 3 : Compliance monitoring
6. Reporting Requirements
7. Annual approval of business plan and operational plan
8. Permission to change documents
9. Inspections
10. Compliance declaration
11. Forensic investigations and audit reports
12. Internal review
13. Transfer of social housing stock
14. Disposal of social housing stock funded with public funds
15. Monitoring performance of grants
16. Withdrawal of accreditation
Chapter 4 : Code of conduct
17. Status of Code of Conduct
Chapter 5 : Investment Criteria
19. Land and Service Criteria
20. Housing Design Criteria
21. Marketing Arrangement Criteria
22. End User Agreement
23. Rentals/Levies and Tenure Costs
24. Financial Viability
25. Governance and Management Criteria
26. Management Capacity
27. Financial Administration
28. Building/Property Maintenance
29. Accredited service providers
Chapter 6 : Entry, enquiry and seizure of documents
30. Powers and duties of Regulatory Authority in respect of entry, enquiry or seizure of documents
Chapter 7 : Agreements
31. Agreements with other delivery agents
32. Agreements with provincial governments
33. Agreements with the National Housing Finance Corporation
Chapter 8 : Offences and penalties
34. Offences and penalties
35. Short title
Annexure A
Annexure B
Provisional Restructuring Zones
Notice No. 848 of 2011
Threshold of primary and secondary market household income limit
Notice No. 59 of 2018
Adjustment of Income Bands for Social Housing
Notice No. 2009 of 2022
Commencement of the Social Housing Act, 2008
Notice No. 55 of 2009
Rules in respect of the Transfer of Social Housing Stock or Rights and the Disposal of Social Housing Stock, 2014
Notice 64 of 2015
1. Definitions
Part I
2. Purpose
3. Applicable Principles
Part II : Transfer and Disposal of Social Housing Stock in terms of Regulation 13(2) and Regulation 14
4. Procedure for transfers and disposals
5. Lapsing or withdrawal of approval in respect of transfer application
Part III
6. Procedure for transfers in terms of section 12(9)(c) and regulation 13(1)
Part IV : Miscellaneous Provisions
7. Methods and times of delivery of documents
8. Office hours of the Regulatory Authority
9. Costs
10. Title and commencement of rules
Form A : Application for approval of transfer of social housing stock in terms of Rule 4
Form B : Application for approval of disposal of social housing stock in terms of Rule 4
Form C : Application for extension of approval in respect of transfers and disposals in terms of Rule 5
Form D : Application for transfer of social housing stock or rights in terms of Rule 6
Rules on Long-Term Accreditation of Social Housing Institutions
Notice 624 of 2016
1. Definitions
Chapter 1
2. Purpose
3. General Principles
Chapter 2
4. Accreditation Background
5. Institutions that are required to be accredited
6. Accreditation of social housing institutions
7. Accreditation process
8. Submission of accreditation application
9. Institutional portfolio
10. Accreditation criteria
11. Assessment of accreditation application
12. Audit visit
13. Decision on accreditation
14. Issuing of an accreditation certificate
15. Re-application for Accreditation of a Fully accredited social housing institution
16. Re-accreditation of a social housing institution granted conditional accreditation
17. Withdrawal of accreditation
18. Review process
Schedule A : Accreditation Criteria
Chapter 1
2. Purpose
3. General Principles
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