R 385
Social Housing Act, 2008 (Act No. 16 of 2008)RulesRules in respect of the Transfer of Social Housing Stock or Rights and the Disposal of Social Housing Stock, 2014FormsForm B : Application for approval of disposal of social housing stock in terms of Rule 4 |
Please send the completed application form to the Social Housing Regulatory Authority ("the Regulatory Authority") by email to [email protected], or by facsimile to 086 720 2484, or by post to Social Housing Regulatory Authority, Postnet Suite 240, Private Bag X30500, Houghton, 2041, or deliver by hand to Sunnyside Ridge Office Complex, Building B, Ground Floor, 32 Princess of Wales Terrace, Parktown, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Application for approval of social housing stock in terms of rule 4 of the Rules in respect of the Transfer of Social Housing Stock or Rights and the Disposal of Social Housing Stock, 2013 ("the Rules"). |
***This application form is to be completed by the Applicant/Disposer"***
Name of Institution:
(Please tick the appropriate box below)
Full Accreditation | £ |
Conditional Accreditation | £ |
(Please tick the appropriate box below)
Not for Profit Company (NPC) | £ |
Municipal Entity | £ |
Private Company | £ |
Housing Co-operative | £ |
Other (please specify) | £ |
Institution's Registration number |
Year of Establishment |
If registered as a NPC, please supply PBO reference number, if any:
Financial Year End |
Registered Address |
City |
Code |
Province |
Physical Address |
City |
Code |
Postal Address |
City |
Code |
Business Telephone Number |
Business Fax Number |
E-mail Address |
Head of Disposer's (e.g. CEO) Contact Details
Title |
First Name |
Surname |
Cell Phone Number |
Alternative Number |
Contact Person 2
Title |
First Name |
Surname |
Contact Number |
Alternative Number |
Name of Prospective Purchaser:
Is the Prospective Purchaser a natural or juristic person (i.e. a company, a voluntary association, a trust, etc.)? (Please tick the appropriate box below.)
Natural | £ |
Juristic | £ |
If the Prospective Purchaser is a natural person, then please provide the following information:
Identity Number |
Registered Address |
City |
Code |
Province |
Physical Address |
City |
Code |
Telephone Number |
Fax Number |
E-mail Address |
If the Prospective Purchaser is a juristic person, then please provide the following information:
(Please tick the appropriate box below)
Not for Profit Company (NPC) | £ |
Private Company | £ |
Housing Co-operative | £ |
Other (please specify) | £ |
Institution's Registration number |
Year of Establishment |
If registered as a NPC, please supply PBO reference number, if any:
Financial Year End |
Registered Address |
City |
Code |
Province |
Physical Address |
City |
Code |
Postal Address |
City |
Code |
Business Telephone Number |
Business Fax Number |
E-mail Address |
Head of Prospective Purchaser's (e.g. CEO) Contact Details
Title |
First Name |
Surname |
Cell Phone Number |
Alternative Number |
Contact Person 2
Title |
First Name |
Surname |
E-mail Address |
Contact Number |
Alternative Number |
D.1 | Please provide details of the social housing stock which is the subject of the application: |
(a) | Erf number: |
(b) | Size: |
(c) | Location: |
(d) | In which restructuring zone is the social housing stock located? |
(e) | Name of the municipality in whose area of jurisdiction the social housing stock is situated: |
(f) | Number of units comprising the social housing stock and the number of units which are occupied and unoccupied: |
(g) | Number of buildings comprising the social housing stock: |
(h) | Market value of the social housing stock, as determined by a qualified independent property valuer, including a breakdown of the value per unit or building/s (where the market value per unit is not reasonably ascertainable). Should the space provided below for your response be insufficient, then please attach your written response to the application form and number it accordingly. Please also attach any relevant supporting documentation (other than those listed in h.1 and h.2) and number them accordingly: |
(h.1) | Please attach a copy of the valuation report prepared by the qualified independent property valuer and number it accordingly. |
(h.2) | Please attach a copy of the curriculum vitae of the qualified independent property valuer and number it accordingly. |
(i) | Do you intend transferring the whole or a part of the social housing project? If you intend transferring a part of the social housing project, then please describe in detail which part you intend transferring. Should the space provided below for your response be insufficient, then please attach your written response to the application form and number it accordingly: |
(j) | Did you acquire, develop or refurbish the social housing stock? (Please tick the appropriate box below.) |
Acquired | £ |
Developed | £ |
Refurbished | £ |
(k) | Provide a breakdown of the funding procured for the social housing project. In this regard, indicate the total funding procured in terms of the Institutional Subsidy Programme, the Interim Social Housing Programme, or the Restructuring Capital Grant programme and the total funding procured from private funders. Should the space provided below for your response be insufficient, then please attach your written response to the application form and number it accordingly: |
E.1 | Please provide a description of the nature of the proposed transfer (e.g. a sale): |
E.2 | Please provide detailed reasons for the proposed transfer. Should the space provided below for your response be insufficient, then please attach your written response to the application form and number it accordingly: |
E.3 | Please provide a detailed explanation of what the proceeds of the disposal will be used for. Should the space provided below for your response be insufficient, then please attach your written response to the application form and number it accordingly: |
E.4 | Please provide a detailed explanation of what the proceeds of the transfer will be used for. Should the space provided below for your response be insufficient, then please attach your written response to the application form and number it accordingly: |
F.1 | Please attach a copy of the tenant or membership roll referred to in regulation 3(7)(f) of the Social Housing Regulations published under Government Notice R51 in Government Gazette 34970 of 26 January 2012 ("the Regulations") and number it accordingly. |
F.2 | Please provide details of the rent which is payable by tenants residing in the social housing stock which is the subject of the proposed disposal. Should the space provided below for your response be insufficient, then please attach your written response to the application form and number it accordingly: |
F.3 | Please provide details of the implications of the proposed disposal in relation to the rights of tenants. Should the space provided below for your response be insufficient, then please attach your written response to the application form and number it accordingly: |
F.4 | Did you consult with the tenants (or a committee of representatives mandated by them) residing in the social housing stock in relation to the proposed disposal? (Please tick the appropriate box below.) |
Yes | £ |
No | £ |
F.5 | If you consulted with the tenants (or a committee of representatives mandated by them), then please attach the following documents to the application form and number them accordingly: |
F.5.1 | written proof of consultation with the tenants (or a committee of representatives mandated by them), as contemplated in rule 4.4.19 of the Rules; and |
F.5.2 | copies of any written comments or objections provided by the tenants (or a committee of representatives mandated by them) in relation to the proposed disposal, as contemplated in rule 4.4.20 of the Rules. |
F.6 | In the event that you received objections from the tenants (or a committee of representatives mandated by them), please provide a detailed explanation of the steps which you took to resolve the objections and confirm whether the objections have been resolved. Should the space provided below for your response be insufficient, then please attach your written response to the application form and number it accordingly. Should you have indicated that the objections have been resolved, then please attach written proof thereof to the application form and number such proof accordingly. |
F.7 | Please provide an explanation of the outcome of the consultation process with the tenants (or a committee of representatives mandated by them). Should the space provided below for your response be insufficient, then please attach your written response to the application form and number it accordingly: |
G.1 | Did you notify all private funders who provided funding in respect of the social housing project, and in respect of which your obligations are still outstanding, in writing of the proposed disposal? (Please tick the appropriate box below.) |
Yes | £ |
No | £ |
Not applicable | £ |
G.1.1 | If you ticked yes, then please attach written proof of notification to the application form and number such proof accordingly. |
G.2 | Did you solicit the written comments of such funders? (Please tick the appropriate box below.) |
Yes | £ |
No | £ |
Not applicable | £ |
G.2.1 | If you ticked yes, then please attach the written comments of such funders to the application form and number such comments accordingly. |
H.1 | Was the social housing stock which is the subject of the application funded with public funds? (Please tick the appropriate box below.): |
Yes | £ |
No | £ |
H.2 | If yes, then did you notify the municipality referred to in D.1.e) and other social housing institutions managing social housing stock in the area in which the social housing stock, which is the subject of the application, is situated ("other social housing institutions") of the proposed disposal? (Please tick the appropriate box below.) |
Yes | £ |
No | £ |
H.3 | If you notified the municipality referred to in D.1.e) and other social housing institutions of the proposed disposal, did you also solicit their written views as to whether there is sufficient social housing stock in the area and whether there is any need to retain the social housing stock which is the subject of the application as social housing? |
Yes | £ |
No | £ |
H.4 | If you solicited the written views of the municipality referred to in D.1.e) and other social housing institutions in relation to the proposed disposal, as envisaged in H.3, then please attach copies of any written views furnished by the municipality referred to in D.1.e) and the other social housing institutions. (Please tick the appropriate box below.) |
I.1 | Please provide detailed reasons as to why the Regulatory Authority should approve the disposal. Should the space provided below for your response be insufficient, then please attach your written response to the application form and number it accordingly. Please also attach any relevant supporting documentation and number them accordingly. Should the space provided below for your response be insufficient, then please attach your written response to the application form and number it accordingly: |
I.2 | Is there sufficient social housing in the area in which the social housing stock, which is the subject of the application, is situated? Is there any need to retain the social housing stock as social housing? Should the space provided below for your response be insufficient, then please attach your written response to the application form and number it accordingly: |
J.1 | Please elaborate on any other relevant factors which have a bearing on the application. Should the space provided below for your response be insufficient, then please attach your written response to the application form and number it accordingly. Please also attach any relevant supporting documentation and number them accordingly. |
K.1 | How would you prefer to be informed of the Regulatory Authority's decision? Please tick the appropriate box below. |
£ |
Facsimile | £ |
By post | £ |
I, the undersigned, being the duly authorised signatory of the above Applicant hereby acknowledge and warrant that:
(1) | All information given is true, accurate and correct. I have reviewed the information and confirm the correctness thereof. |
(2) | I have provided all information which is directly relevant and material to my application. |
(3) | I consent to the Regulatory Authority undertaking any checks it may deem necessary to verify any information. |
The above information is correct at the time of completion. Signed on behalf of the Applicant/Disposer.
**Please attach proof of authorisation (e.g. Resolution from Board) and number it accordingly.