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Social Service Professions Act, 1978 (Act No. 110 of 1978)RegulationsRegulations Regarding Allowances Payable to Members2. Allowances payable to Members |
(1) | Council shall pay allowances as provided for in sub-regulation (2) and regulation 3 as prescribed. |
(2) | Members shall be paid the following allowances with the amounts as prescribed in Annexure A: |
(a) | A full day session allowance is payable to the president, chairperson of a Professional Board, and chairperson of a Committee irrespective of the duration of such meeting; |
(b) | A full day session allowance is payable to a member attending a meeting irrespective of the duration of such meeting; |
(c) | Where more than one meeting is attended on the same day, the allowance will be limited to the amount payable for one meeting only as contemplated in paragraphs (a) and (b); |
(d) | A working allowance is payable to a member to attend to any other business of Council; |
(e) | A working allowance is payable to the president or a chairperson of a Professional Board for the purpose of preparing for meeting of the Council or a Professional Board to maximum of eight hours per meeting; |
(f) | An hourly session allowance is payable to the president, a chairperson and a member participating in a meeting through a telephone conference or similar up to a maximum of three hours. The hourly session fee shall be inclusive of the members telecommun ication costs: |
(g) | A communication allowance is payable to the president and a chairperson of a Professional Board; |
(h) | An internet allowance at a fixed monthly rate, subject to conditions that may be determined by the Council from time to time, is payable to members; |
(i) | An allowance for subsistence is payable to a member when a member is away from his or her place of residence for the purpose of attending a meeting or for conducting of any such other business and shall be calculated per night that the member is away from his or her place of residence; |
(j) | The travel costs payable to a member attending a meeting or to conduct any other business include, where applicable,— |
(i) | fee for the parking of a member's private vehicle at an airport or the taxi or shuttle fee from the member's residence to the relevant airport: |
(ii) | airfare for economy class option available if a member, subject to the permission of the Registrar, purchases his or her own flight ticket. Provided that the member provides at least three valid quotes; |
(iii) | the taxi or shuttle fee from the airport at the destination of the meeting to the place where the meeting is held and/or to the place of overnight accommodation; |
(iv) | hotel accommodation, meals and soft drinks, as prescribed, if a member, subject to the permission of the Registrar, arranges and pays for his or her own accommodation; |
(v) | motor vehicle allowance if a member uses his or her own private transport to attend a meeting or conduct business: Provided that the distance shall not exceed five hundred (500) kilometers for single direction from the member's home and back; |
(vi) | motor vehicle allowance if a member uses his or her own private transport to attend a meeting or conduct business for a distance exceeding 500 kilometers for single direction, an amount payable shall be the lesser of the amount of an airfare (VAT excluded), if there are scheduled flights for the route; or the prescribed kilometer allowance. |
(3) | The provisions of sub regulation 2(b) shall be applicable in the same manner, to a member who, during the course of a meeting or any other business, is obliged to travel to his or her place of residence or any other place and back to the venue of that meeting or business, if the President or chairperson is convinced of the necessity of such journey. |
(4) | The Council shall on an annual basis determine the maximum cost or cost range for the travel, accommodation and meals for members attending a meeting or any other business, arranged directly by the Registrar or designated person. |
(5) | Any changes to arrangements after costs have been incurred by the Councilor agreed upon in terms of sub-regulations (2)(j) and (4) in respect of airfares, the additional cost shall be at the cost of a member, unless the motivation for such a change is at the direction of the Council, a Professional Board, a Committee or the Registrar; or in case of personal reasons that warrant such a change. |