R 385
Fees payable by Social Workers, Child and Youth Care Workers, Social Auxiliary Workers, Auxiliary Child and Youth Care Workers, Student Social Workers, Student Child and Youth Care Workers, Student Social Auxiliary Workers and Student Auxiliary Child and Youth Care Workers Amendment Regulations |
3. Conditions of registration as student child and youth care worker
4. Application for registration
5. Issue of duplicate certificate of registration to student child and youth care worker
8. Application for restoration of register
9. Application for re-registration or termination of suspension
10. Change of name, residential and postal address
12. Disclosure of criminal offences
13. Disqualification from registration
18. Scope of practice for child and youth care work within professional category of registration
19. Scope of practice for child and youth care work within auxiliary category of registration
20. Application for registration
21. Certificate of registration
24. Recording and keeping of register
25. Application for termination of suspension of registration
26. Application for restoration to register
27. Change of name and address
28. Disclosure of criminal offences
30. Disqualification from registration