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South African Boxing Act, 2001 (Act No. 11 of 2001)RegulationsBoxing Regulations, 200415. Contracts between boxers and promoters and managers |
(1) | Any person wishing to promote a tournament must be the holder of a valid promoter’s licence issued in terms of regulation 2. |
(2) | The name of the promoter of a tournament shall be printed on all handbills, posters, advertisements and programmes: Provided that a promoter shall not, without the prior written approval of Boxing SA, be entitled to advertise that he or she is promoting a tournament jointly or in association with any other person unless such other person is also the holder of a valid promoter’s licence issued in terms of regulation 2. |
(3) | A promoter must, before engaging the services of a boxer, including substitutes for a tournament, take all reasonable steps to satisfy himself or herself that the boxer will not by participating in the tournament be committing any breach of the Act, these regulations or any existing contract of engagement. |
(4) | In the event that a promoter appoints a licensed matchmaker or an agent authorised as a signatory in respect of any contract by the promoter, he or she shall declare in writing to Boxing SA the name of such agent or match- maker upon appointment. |
(5) | In the event of a tournament taking place and both boxers engaged for a bout are willing and able to box but do not box through no fault of their own, the promoter shall pay both boxers their full contracted purse unless otherwise agreed between the promoter and such boxers in writing |
(6) | A promoter shall ensure that all officials or professional persons exercising any powers or carrying out any duties at a tournament shall, at the promoter's cost, be transported to and from the tournament and be accommodated overnight, if necessary, before or after the tournament, or before and after the tournament as the case may be, as Boxing SA may determine. |
(7) |
(a) | A contract between a promoter and a boxer for a long-term engagement shall be in the form similar to that in Annexure G. |
(b) | A promoter who has engaged a boxer in terms of a contract contemplated in paragraph (a) shall nevertheless be required to comply with the provisions of regulation 11(1)(h) in respect of each tournament in which the promoter engages that boxer to participate in. |
(8) | Subject to the provisions of section 24 of the Act, a contract between a promoter and a boxer contemplated in subregulation (6)(a) must be valid for a maximum period of 24 months from the date of approval thereof by Boxing SA and any renewal of that contract shall be in writing and shall also be submitted to Boxing SA for approval. |
(9) | A contract between a promoter and a boxer contemplated in subregulation (7)(b) shall be valid for a period of 60 days from the date on which it is approved by Boxing SA, whereafter it shall automatically lapse and be of no further force or effect. |
(10) | No contract between a promoter and a boxer must be signed in blank or be left undated. |
(11) | A promoter must in terms of a contract contemplated in subregulation (6)(a) undertake to promote a minimum of two bouts and a maximum of four bouts per year on behalf of the boxer. |
(12) | The purse payable to a boxer must be clearly stipulated in a contract contemplated in subregulation (7)(b). |
(13) | No boxer shall be managed or advised by any person other than a licensed manager or agent and no boxer shall authorise, permit or suffer any person who is not so licensed to act, whether for reward or not, as his or her manager or agent. |
(14) | A contract between a manager and a boxer shall be on a form similar to Annexure 1 and shall remain valid for a maximum period of two years from the date of approval thereof by Boxing SA. |
(15) | A manager must in terms of his or her contract with a boxer undertake to procure a minimum of two bouts per year for the boxer. |
(16) | All contracts referred to in subregulations (7) and (14) shall not be valid until approved in writing by Boxing SA, subject to any modifications thereof that may be required by Boxing SA to ensure the proper control of boxing. |
(17) | A boxer and a manger or promoter, as the case may be, shall appear together before Boxing SA for the signing by them of a contract and the approval by Boxing SA of the contract. |
(18) | After each fight a manager must submit a detailed written statement to the boxer setting out— |
(a) | the total purse money received from the promoter; |
(b) | the amount payable to the manager; and |
(c) | the amount payable to the boxer, accompanied by the necessary supporting documentation. |
(a) | At the end of each year, a manager shall prepare a consolidated financial statement of the matters referred to in subregulation (18) and furnish a copy thereof to the boxer and to Boxing SA. |
(b) | The manager shall retain the statements contemplated in paragraph (a) for a period of at least three years. |
(20) | A manager's remuneration shall be determined through negotiation between the manager and the boxer. |
(21) | A manager (the "cedent") may cede a contract between him or her and a boxer to another manager (the "cessionary") provided that— |
(a) | the cessionary is the holder of a valid manager's licence issued in terms of the boxer concerned consents to such cession in writing; |
(b) | the cedent is compensated for the cession by the cessionary, in an amount regulation 2; |
(c) | agreed between them in writing; and |
(d) | Boxing SA approves of such cession in writing. |
(22) | The provisions of subregulation (21) shall apply subject to the changes required by the context to a contract between a promoter and a boxer. |
(23) | Where a promoter wishes to engage a foreign boxer to participate in a tournament in the Republic, the promoter shall apply to Boxing SA in writing for permission to do so at least 21 days prior to the tournament. |
(24) | The application contemplated in subregulation (23) shall be accompanied by a letter of clearance from the boxing commission in the country of origin of the foreign boxer and the authenticated boxing and medical records of the foreign boxer. |
(25) | A promoter shall ensure that a foreign boxer arrives in the Republic at least seven days prior to the scheduled date of a tournament. |
(26) | Boxing SA may commission a medical examination of a foreign boxer upon his or her arrival in the Republic, at the promoter's expense, prior to granting the foreign boxer clearance to fight in the Republic. |