R 385
South African Boxing Act, 2001 (Act No. 11 of 2001)RegulationsBoxing Regulations, 200420. Ring |
(1) | All boxing matches at a tournament shall be decided in a square area termed the ring, the sides of which shall be not less than 4,88 m and not more than 6,01 m. |
(2) |
(a) | The floor of the ring shall be not more than 1,22 m above the floor surface of the venue where the tournament is taking place; |
(b) | In addition to a set of suitable steps installed in each boxer's corner, a third set of suitable steps shall be installed in a neutral corner for the exclusive use of the ringside physician, referee, ring announcer, round card bearers and other persons that the supervisory official may approve. |
(3) |
(a) | At each corner and at least 46,2 cm outside the floor of the ring a comer post, properly secured and padded with suitable material throughout, shall be provided. |
(b) | The corner posts in the two opposite corners of the ring which are used by the two boxers, shall be painted red and blue respectively, while the remaining two corner posts, which indicate the neutral corners, shall be painted white. |
(c) | The material used for padding the corner posts of the ring shall be of the same colour as the respective corner posts. |
(4) |
(a) | The ring shall be enclosed by means of four ropes, each of which shall be not be less than 2,5 cm in diameter and shall be wrapped in soft material. |
(b) | The bottom rope shall be 45 cm, the second rope 75 cm, the third rope 105 cm and the fourth rope 125 cm above the ring floor. |
(c) | The ropes shall be spaced by a cord of soft material at each corner and in the middle at equal distances from each corner in order that the ropes cannot be separated further apart at the middle than they can be at the corners. |
(5) |
(a) | The floor of the ring shall extend not less than 70 cm beyond the ropes and the entire floor of the ring shall be padded with a 1 cm layer of high-density closed-cell foam or chip foam applied over a 2,5 cm base of building board mounted on a properly stressed frame. |
(b) | The covering contemplated in paragraph (a) shall overlap the edge of the floor by at least 5 cm and shall be covered with canvas, duck or similar material, tightly stretched and held securely in place by lacing under the floor. |
(c) | The corners of the ring shall be padded with impact-absorbing material extending from the bottom to the top rope and measuring not less than 10 cm square. |
(6) | No person other than the referee, the physician, the announcer, the ringmaster, round card bearers, the supervisory official, the participating boxers and their seconds shall, except with the express permission of the supervisory official, climb into the ring during a, tournament. |
(7) | At the conclusion of a bout it shall be the responsibility of the promoter to ensure that no person shall be allowed to enter the ring with the exception of the persons referred to in subregulation (6) until such time as the ringside doctor has completed an initial examination of both boxers. |