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South African Civil Aviation Authority Levies Act, 1998 (Act No. 41 of 1998)

1. Definitions


In this Act, unless the context indicates otherwise—



means the South African Civil Aviation Authority established by section 2(1) of the South African Civil Aviation Authority Act, 1998;



means an amount payable at intervals or at specified times by participants in civil aviation, as defined in section 1 of the South African Civil Aviation Authority Act, 1998, on one or more or all of the following criteria, namely—

(a) category of aviation service;
(b) category of participant;
(c) nature of aviation service;
(d) frequency of utilisation of aviation services provided by the authorities; and
(e) nationality of or country of registration of participant;



means the Minister of Transport in the national sphere of government; and



means any person who directly or indirectly renders services to the aviation industry or aviation in general or who makes use of such services.