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South African Human Rights Commission Act, 2013 (Act No. 40 of 2013)NoticesSouth African Human Rights Commission Complaints Handling ProceduresChapter 6 : Resolution of Complaints17. Conducting of proceedings |
(1) | The Provincial Manager or any member of staff, as duly designated, must determine the manner in which the proceedings relating to conciliation, negotiation or mediation must be conducted. |
(2) | A complaint must be conciliated, negotiated or mediated at the Provincial Office unless the Provincial Manager or any member staff, as duly designated, directs otherwise. |
(3) | The Provincial Manager or any member of staff, as duly designated, must determine the venue where the conciliation, negotiation or mediation is to take place. |
(4) | At any time during the proceedings, the Provincial Manager or any member of staff, as duly designated, may postpone or adjourn the proceedings to allow the parties an opportunity to discuss the matter. |