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South African Human Rights Commission Act, 2013 (Act No. 40 of 2013)RegulationsRegulations for the Staff of the Human Rights Commission, 1996Chapter VII : Training of Staff and Bursaries for Part-Time Study18. Grievances |
(1) | If a member of staff is aggrieved by unfair or unjustified treatment or unfair or unjustified interpretation and application of these regulations, he or she may bring such grievance to the Attention of his or her supervisor, which supervisor shall reply thereto within three working days: Provided that if the member of staff concerned does not have a supervisor, he or she may deal with his or her grievance as contemplated in subregulation (2). |
(2) | If the member of staff is not satisfied with the reply referred to in subregulation (1) or if his or her supervisor fails to reply to the grievance within the period referred to in subregulation (1), such member of staff may within three working days bring his or her grievance in writing to the attention of the chief executive officer and the chief executive officer shall reply to the grievance within five working days. |
(3) | If the member of staff is not satisfied with the reply referred to in subregulation (2) or if the chief executive officer fails to reply to the grievance within the period referred to in subregulation (2), such member of staff may request the chief executive officer in writing to appoint an independent person to investigate the grievance and the chief executive officer shall within five working days appoint such a person and notify that member of staff accordingly. |
(4) | The person referred to in subregulation (3) shall investigate the grievance and notify the chief executive officer in writing of his or her finding and the chief executive officer shall immediately make a decision based on that finding and notify the member of staff concerned and the Commission in writing of the finding and decision. |
(5) | If the member of staff is not satisfied with the decision referred to in subregulation (4) or if the chief executive officer fails to make a decision within three working days, the member of staff concerned may within five working days appeal to the Commission and the Commission shall make a decision within five working days and notify the chief executive officer and member of staff concerned accordingly. |
(6) | The decision referred to in subregulation (5) shall be final and bind the member of staff concerned. |