R 385
South African Institute for Drug-Free Sport Act, 1997 (Act No. 14 of 1997) |
1. Definitions and Interpretation
2. Establishment of South African Institute for Drug-free Sport
7. Remuneration and allowances of members of Institute
8. Expenditure, finances and accountability
9. Outside employment and disclosure of interests by members
11. Powers and duties of Institute
[Repealed] 11A. Doping control programme
[Repealed] 11B. Failure to comply with a request to provide a sample
[Repealed] 11C. Testing by other sports administration bodies
12. Preparation and approval of strategic plans and budget
[Repealed] 13. Approval and commencement of strategic plans
[Repealed] 14. Variation of strategic plans
[Repealed] 15. Annual operational plans
16. Institute to comply with plans