R 385
South African National Space Agency Act, 2008 (Act No. 36 of 2008)5. Functions of Agency |
(1) | The Agency must— |
(a) | implement any spaceprogramme in line with the policy determined in terms of the Space Affairs Act; |
(b) | advise the Minister on the development of national space science and technology strategies and programmes; |
(c) | implement any national space science and technology strategy; and |
(d) | acquire, assimilate and disseminate space satellite imagery for any organ of state. |
(2) | The Agency may, in order to perform any duty contemplated in subsection (1) and in order to achieve its objects— |
(a) | enter into an agreement with any person, government or administration on the terms and conditions agreed upon by the Agency and that person, government or administration; |
(b) | purchase or otherwise acquire, or dispose of, any property and may hire out, let, pledge or otherwise encumber that property; |
(c) | for the purposes or developing or exploiting any invention or technological space expertise— |
(i) | establish a company contemplated in the Companies Act, 1973 (Act No. 61 of 1973), or in collaboration with any other person establish such a company; and |
(ii) | acquire an interest in any company or other juristic person undertaking the development or exploitation or an invention or technological space innovation; |
(d) | establish any programme in line with national space policy in respect of— |
(i) | enabling technologies that will provide leadership in coordinating and supporting applied research; |
(ii) | coordination and support to the development of space science missions; |
(iii) | space mission applications; and |
(iv) | space mission operations; |
(e) | support programmes or projects relating to scientific space research; |
(f) | co-operate with space and space-related agencies of other countries in the peaceful use and development of space; and |
(g) | do anything necessary for the proper performance of its functions or to achieve its objects. |