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South African Police Service Act, 1995 (Act No. 68 of 1995)RegulationsSouth African Police Service Employment Regulations, 2018Chapter 3 : Planning and Service Delivery20. Strategic planning |
(1) | The Minister must prepare a strategic plan for the Service— |
(a) | stating the core objectives of the Service, based on Constitutional and other legislative mandates, functional mandates and the service delivery improvement programme mentioned in regulation 23; |
(b) | describing the core and support activities necessary to achieve the core objectives, avoiding duplication of functions; |
(c) | describing the targets to be attained in the medium term; |
(d) | setting out a programme for attaining those targets; |
(e) | specifying information systems that— |
(i) | enable him or her to monitor the progress made towards achieving those goals, targets and core objectives; |
(ii) | support compliance with the reporting requirements in regulation 25 and the National Minimum Information Requirements, referred to in regulation 50; |
(f) | including a summary of the outcome of the processes referred to in subregulation (2) in the strategic plan of the Service; and |
(g) | complying with the requirements in paragraphs 5.1 and 5.2 of the Treasury Regulations. |
(2) | Based on the strategic plan of the Service, the National Commissioner must— |
(a) | determine the organisational structure of the Service in terms of its core and support functions; |
(b) | define the posts necessary to perform the relevant functions while remaining within the current budget and medium-term expenditure framework of the Service, and the posts so defined, constitute the fixed establishment of the Service; |
(c) | grade proposed new jobs or newly defined jobs according to the job evaluation system referred to in regulation 29 except where the grade of a job has been determined in terms of an OSD; and |
(d) | engage in human resource planning in accordance with regulation 21 with a view to meeting the resulting human resource needs. |
(3) | In implementing the strategic plan, the National Commissioner must— |
(a) | promote the efficient, economic and effective use of resources so as to improve the functioning of the Service; and |
(b) | to that end, apply working methods such as the re-allocation, simplification, purification and coordination of work, and eliminate unnecessary functions. |