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Table of Contents
South African Reserve Bank, 1989
1. Definitions
2. South African Reserve Bank a juristic person
3. Primary objective of Bank
4. Board of directors
4A. Functions and powers of Board
5. Tenure and conditions of office of directors
6. Casual vacancies
7. Procedure and quorum
8. Delegation of powers
9. Validity of Board's decisions and acts
10. Powers and duties of Bank
10A. Maintenance by banks of minimum reserve balances in accounts with Bank
11. Appointment of inspectors
12. Inspection of affairs of person, partnership, close corporation, company or other juris
13. Prohibited business
14. Issue of banknotes and coins
15. Monetary unit
16. Denominations, material, standard mass and standard fineness of coins
17. Legal tender
18. References to amounts in terms of coins issued under Coinage Act, 1922
19. Powers of Minister in respect of coins
20. Bank exempt from tax on banknotes
21. Share capital of Bank
22. Restriction of right to hold or acquire shares in Bank
23. Votes
24. Allocation of surplus
25. Statutory price of gold and Gold Price Adjustment Account
26. Foreign Exchange Adjustment Account
27. Forward Exchange Contracts Adjustment Account
28. Gold and Foreign Exchange Contingency Reserve Account
29. Returns in connection with and auditing of certain accounts
30. Audit and inspection
31. Report by Governor
32. Furnishing of information to Department of Finance and to Parliament
33. Preservation of secrecy
34. Offences and penalties
35. Rules by Board
36. Regulations
37. Proceedings by Minister in case of non-compliance with Act or regulations by Bank
38. Liquidation
39. Repealed
40. Repeal of laws, and savings
41. Short title and commencement
Schedule 1 : South African Reserve Bank
Schedule 2
Schedule 3 : Laws Repealed
Regulations Relating to the South African Reserve Bank
Chapter I : Interpretation
1. Definition
Chapter II : Registration and Transfer of Shares
2. Register of shareholders
3. Disclosure of associates
4. Rectification
5. Transfer of shares and share certificates
6. Limitation on liability in respect of the transfer of shares
Chapter III : General Meetings
7. Ordinary general meetings
8. Extraordinary general meetings
9. Proceedings at general meetings
10. Voting by a representative
11. Voting by proxy
12. Notice of general meetings and special business
Chapter IV : Directors
13. Nomination of and election by shareholders
14. Register of directors
15. Disclosure of interest
16. Board Meetings
17. Limitation of liability
18. Board committees
Chapter V : Records of Meetings
19. Minutes
Chapter VI : Allocation of Surplus
20. Dividends
Chapter VII : Accounting and Audit
21. Accounting records
22. Appointment of auditors
23. Functions of auditors
24. Annual reports and audit report
25. Financial year end
Chapter VIII : Official Mark
26. Seal
Chapter IX : Repeal of Existing Regulations, Transitional Provisions
27. Repeal of Existing Regulations
28. Transitional Provisions
29. Short Title and Commencement
Annexure : Disclosure by Shareholders of Associates
South African Reserve Bank Act, 1989 (Act No. 90 of 1989)
39. Repealed
[S. 39 repealed by s. 11 of Act 2 of 1996.]
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