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South African Schools Act, 1996 (Act No. 84 of 1996)
Notice No. 1867 of 1996
Chapter 1 : Definitions and Application of Act
1. Definitions
2. Application of Act
Chapter 2 : Learners
3. Compulsory attendance
4. Exemption from compulsory attendance
4A. Monitoring learner attendance
5. Admission to public schools
5A. Norms and standards for basic infrastructure and capacity in public schools
6. Language policy of public schools
6A. Curriculum and assessment
6B. Non-discrimination in respect of official languages
7. Freedom of conscience and religion at public schools
8. Code of conduct
8A. Random search and seizure and drug testing at schools
9. Suspension and expulsion from public school
10. Prohibition of corporal punishment
10A. Prohibition of initiation practices
11. Representative council of learners
Chapter 3 : Public Schools
12. Provision of public schools
12A. Merger of public schools
13. Public schools on State property
14. Public schools on private property
15. Status of public schools
16. Governance and professional management of public schools
16A. Functions and responsibilitie
17. Governing body serving two or more schools
18. Constitution of governing body
18A. Code of conduct of governing body
19. Enhancement of capacity of governing bodies
20. Functions of all governing bodies
21. Allocated functions of governing bodies
22. Withdrawal of functions of governing body
23. Membership of governing body of ordinary public school
24. Membership of governing body of public school for learners with special education needs
24A. Membership of governing body of public school with specialised focus on talent, including sport, performing arts or creative arts
25. Dissolution of governing body
26. Recusal by member of governing body
27. Reimbursement of members of governing body
28. Election of members of governing body
29. Office-bearers of governing bodies
30. Committees of governing body
31. Term of office of members and office-bearers of governing bodies
32. Status of learners on governing bodies of public schools
33. Closure of public schools
33A. Prohibition of political activities during school time
Chapter 4 : Funding of Public Schools
34. Responsibility of State
35. Norms and standards for school funding
36. Responsibility of governing body
37. School funds and assets of public schools
38. Annual budget of public school
38A. Prohibition of payment of unauthorised remuneration
39. School fees at public schools
40. Parent's liability for payment of school fees
41. Enforcement of payment of school fees
42. Financial records and statements of public schools
43. Audit or examination of financial records and statements
44. Financial year of public school
Chapter 5 : Independent Schools
45. Establishment of independent school
45A. Admission age to independent school
46. Registration of independent school
47. Withdrawal of registration of independent school
48. Subsidies to registered independent schools
49. Declaration of independent school as public school
50. Duties of Member of Executive Council relating to independent schools
51. Home Education
Chapter 6 : Transitional Provisions
52. Transitional provisions relating to schools other than private schools
53. Transitional provisions relating to private schools
54. Transitional provisions relating to governing bodies
55. Transitional provisions relating to immovable property of certain schools
56. Transitional provisions relating to public schools on private property
57. Transitional provisions relating to private property owned by religious organisation
Chapter 7 : General Provisions
58. Expropriation
58A. Alienation of assets of public school
58B. Identification of underperforming public schools
58C. Compliance with norms and standards
59. Duty to provide information
59A. Dispute resolution
60. Liability of State
61. Regulations
62. Delegation of powers
63. Repeal and amendment of laws
64. Short title and commencement
Schedule 1
Schedule 2
Regulations for Safety Measures at Public Schools
Notice No. 1040 of 2001
1. Definitions
2. Scope of applicability
3. Application of other laws
4. Violence and drug free public schools
5. Access to public schools premises
6. Exemption of certain persons
7. Visits to public schools by public and political off
8. Visits to public schools by parents
8A. School activities
8B Organisation of a school activity
8C. Consent
8D. Transport
8E. Physical activities
8F. Emergency and fire procedures
8G. Early release from school
9. General
10. Delegation of powers
11. Short title and commencement
Schedule 1 : Application for approval for undertaking
Regulations relating to Safety Measures at Independent Schools
Notice No. 975 of 2004
1. Definitions
2. Scope of application
3. Application of other laws
4. Violence and drug-free independent schools
5. Access to independent school premises
6. Exemption of certain persons
7. Visits to independent schools by public representatives, political
8. Visits to independent schools by parents
9. General
10. Short Title
Regulations for the Conduct, Administration and Management of Assessment for the Senior Certificate, 2005
Notice No. 1044 of 2005
Chapter 1 : Definitions, Objectives, Scope and Application
1. Definitions
2. Objectives, Scope and Application
3. Appointment of the Examinations Board
Chapter 2 : Examinations Board
4. Composition and structure
5. Functions of the Examinations Board
6. Term of office
7. Appointment of chairperson
8. Termination of membership
9. Vacancies of members
10. Frequency of meetings
11. Quorum for a meeting
12. Procedure for a meeting
13. Allowances and remuneration for ad hoc committees and working groups
Chapter 3 : Preparation for the examination process
14. The examination cycle
15. Security and confidentiality
16. Appointment of examiners
17. Functions of the internal examiners and moderators
18. Process of setting question papers
19. Editing, translation and approval of question papers for printing
20. Registration of examination centres
21. Registration of candidates
22. External examinations written outside the Republic of South Africa
Chapter 4 : Internal Assessment/Continuous Assessment (CASS)
23. Requirements for internal assessment marks for the Senior Certificate
24. Administration requirements for internal assessment
25. Completion of mark sheets for internal assessment
26. Moderation of internal assessment
Chapter 5 : Conduct of examinations
27. Appointment of chief invigilators/invigilators
28. Role and responsibilities of the chief invigilator
29. Roles and responsibilities of the invigilator
30. Entry into the examination room
31. Instruction to candidates
32. Examination monitoring
Chapter 6 : Marking process
33. Marking centres
34. Appointment of markers
35. Duties of the marker, chief marker and senior marker
36. Marking procedure
37. Release of memoranda and question papers
Chapter 7 : Standardisation, Processing and Release of Results
38. Minimum requirements for a computer system
39. Processing of marks
40. Standardisation of Senior Certificate results
41. Release of results
Chapter 8 : Re-Marking, Re-Checking and Viewing of Examination Scripts
42. Fees
43. Re-checking and re-marking of examination scripts
44. Viewing of scripts
45. Appeals
Chapter 9 : May/June 2008 Examinations
46. May/June 2008 examinations
Chapter 10 : Examination Data
47. Accessibility of examination information
48. Certification records
Chapter 11 : Examination/Assessment Irregularities
49. Categorisation of examination/assessment irregularities
50. Assessment irregularities that occur during the internal assessment process
51. Irregularities that may occur during the planning and preparatory phase of external examination
52. Irregularities that may occur during the conduct of the examination
53. Irregularities that may occur during the marking process
54. Irregularities committed by examination officials or markers
55. Irregularities identified by markers
56. Irregularities that may occur during the capturing process, standardisation, release of results, issuing of statements and the certification process
Chapter 12 : Procedures for Dealing with Alleged Irregularities
57. Procedures for dealing with alleged irregularities in respect of internal assessment
58. Procedures in respect of irregularities identified during the planning and preparatory phase of the external examination
59. Procedures in respect of examination irregularities identified during the conduct of examinations
60. Procedures in respect of examination irregularities identified during the marking process
61. Procedures in respect of irregularities that occur during the capturing, processing, standarisation, release of results and certification process
62. Procedures in respect of investigations
63. Procedures in respect of hearings
64. Sanctions
65. Appeals
66. Reporting of irregularities
67. Internal reporting
68. External reporting
Chapter 13 : The National Examination Irregularities Committee (NEIC)
69. The National Examination Irregularities Committee (NEIC)
70. Composition of the NEIC
71. Jurisdiction of the NEIC
72. Functions of the NEIC
73. The Provincial Examinations Irregularities Committee (PEIC)
74. Private Examinations Irregularities Committee
75. Composition of the PEIC
76. Jurisdiction of the PEIC
77. Functions of the PEIC
78. School Assessment Irregularities Committee
79. Release of results under investigation
80. Short title and commencement
Annexure A
Irregularities involving learners
Regulations relating to the Exemption of Parents from Payment of School Fees in Public Schools, 2005
Notice No. R. 1052 of 2006
1. Definitions
2. Scope and application
3. Obligations of governing bodies and principals when learner is admitted to pub
4. Obligations of parents
5. Categories for purposes of exemption
6. Procedure according to which governing body must consider application
7. Alteration of decision
8. Procedure for appeal
9. Assistance to parents
10. Assistance to schools
11. Voluntary contributions
12. Revocation of Regulations
13. Short title and commencement
Annexures A, B and C (Forms)
Regulations pertaining to the National Curriculum Statement for Grades R-12
Notice No. R. 1114 of 2012
1. Scope of Application
2. Definitions
3. Entrance Requirements
4. Duration
5. Programme Requirements, Grades R-12
6. Promotion Requirements, Grades R-12
7. School-Based Assessment
8. Compilation of the School-Based Assessment and Practical
9. The conduct of the end-of-year examination
10. Absentees during the end-of-year examination
11. Management of School Assessment Records and School Learner Profiles
12. Irregularities during the end-of-year examination
13. Recording and Reporting of Learner Performance
14. Registration of additional subjects in the Further Education and Training Phase
15. Recognition of subjects not listed in the Further Education and Training Phase
16. The status of subjects offered by other assessment bodies
17. Changing subjects in Grades 10, 11 and 12
18. Concessions
19. A National Senior Certificate with Endorsement for learners who experience barriers to learning
20. Certification
21. Time allocation
22. Transitional Arrangements
23. Short Title and Commencement
Annexure A : Approved subjects for the Foundation Phase, Grades R-3
Table 1: Official languages
Table 1A: Language with the status of an official language for the purpose of learning and teaching at a public school
Table 2: Physical, Mathematical, Computer and Life Sciences
Table 3: Human and Social Studies
Annexure B : Approved subjects for the Intermediate Phase, Grades 4-6
Table 1: Official languages
Table 1A: Language with the status of an official language for the purpose of learning and teaching at a public school
Table 2: Non-official languages
Table 3: Physical, Mathematical, Computer and Life Sciences
Table 4: Human and Social Studies
Annexure C : Approved subjects for the Senior Phase, Grades 7-9
Table 1: Official languages
Table 1A: Language with the status of an official language for the purpose of learning and teaching at a public school
Table 2: Non-official languages
Table 3: Physical, Mathematical, Computer and Life Sciences
Table 4: Human and Social Studies
Table 5: Engineering and Technology
Table 6: Culture and Arts
Table 7: Business, Commerce and Management Studies
Annexure D : Approved subjects for the Further Education and Training Phase, Grades 10-12
Group A
Table A1: Official languages at home and first additional level
Table A2: Mathematical Sciences
Table A3: Human and Social Studies
Group B
Table B1: Agriculture
Table B2: Culture and Arts
Table B3: Business, Commerce and Management Studies
Table B4: Official languages at second additional level, and non-official langages
Table B4A: Language with the status of an official language for the purpose of learning and teaching at a public school
Table B5: Engineering and Technology
Table B6: Human and Social Studies
Table B7: Physical, Mathematical, Computer and Life Sciences
Table B8: Services
Annexure E : Subjects of other assessment bodies that are approved by the Minister of Basic Education
Table 1: Agriculture
Table 2: Culture and Arts
Table 3: Business, Commerce and Management Studies
Table 4: Non-official languages
Table 5: Engineering and Technology
Table 6: Human and Social Studies
Regulations Relating to Minimum Uniform Norms and Standards for Public School Infrastructure, 2023
Notice No. 4895 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Objectives of Regulations
3. Scope and application
4. Implementation of Regulations
5. Types of schools
6. Universal access
7. Site and identification of school
8. Categories of key school areas and their sizes
9. Classrooms
10. Electricity
11. Water
12. Sanitation
13. Library
14. Laboratories for science, technology and life sciences
15. Sport and recreation facilities
16. Electronic connectivity at a school
17. Perimeter security and school safety
18. Design considerations for education areas
19. Review of regulations
20. Dispute resolution
21. Short title
Annexure A : Size Norms for Education Areas
Annexure B : Size Norms for Education Support Areas
Annexure C : Size Norms for Administration Areas
Table D1 and D2 : Norms for School Sanitation - Primary and Secondary Schools
Regulations relating to 2024 Representative Council of Learners Code of Conduct of Public Schools in the Province
Notice No. R. 5519 of 2024
Abbreviations and acronyms
1. Preamble
2. Purpose of the Code of Conduct
3. RCL meetings
4. Discharge of members of RCL
5. Support measures
6. Amendment
List of No Fee Schools per Province - 2007
Notice No. 1205 of 2006
Approval for Change of Date of Registration for the 2010 and 2011 Senior Certificate Examination
Notice No. 1152 of 2008
Devices to be used for Drug Testing and the Procedure to be followed
Notice No. 1140 of 2008
1. Introduction
2. List of Devices
3. Other relevant information
4. Procedure to be followed
5. Information about each device
6. Date of commencement
Annexure A : Other relevant information to be considered before the drug testing device may be used
Annexure B : Guidelines for random search and seizure and drug testing at schools
Determination of Minimum Outcomes and Standards
Notice No. 626 of 2014
Implementation of the abridged version of the amended section four of the curriculum and assessment policy statement for Grades R-12
Notice No. 1429 of 2019
Abridged version of the current Section 4 of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement for Grade 12
Notice No. 1335 of 2020
National Policy on Assessment and Qualifications for Schools in the General Education and Training Band
Notice No. 124 of 2007
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2 : Assessment in the GET Band
Part 3 : Management and Development of Assessment Instruments and Guidelines
Part 4: Conducting the CTA
Part 5 : Moderation
Part 6: Qualifications
Part 7 : Systemic Evaluation
Part 8: Revocation of Policies
Part 9 : Commencement
Annexures and Forms
National Norms and Standards for School Funding (NNSSF)
Notice No. 868 of 2006
Notice No 869 of 2006
Part 1
1. Introduction
2. Policy Framework
3. Implementation
Part 2
4. Capital Cost Allocations in Public Schools
5. The School Allocation
6. Fee Exemptions in Public Schools
7. Subsidies to Independent Schools
Notice No. 78 of 2009
Notice No. 1179 of 2009
Notice No. 424 of 2011
Notice No. 92 of 2020
Notice No. 366 of 2020
Notice No. 192 of 2021
Notice No. 2409 of 2022
Notice No. 2648 of 2022
Notice No. 3964 of 2023
The National Senior Certificate : A Qualification at Level 4 on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF)
Notice No. 744 of 2005
Chapter 1 : Introducing the Policy for the National Senior Certificate (NSC)
1. Purpose of the document
2. Type of qualification
3. Entrance requirements for NCS Grades 10 -12 (General)
4. Promotion requirements for Grades 10-12
5. Duration and general requirements of the NCS Grades 10-12 (General)
6. Changing subjects in Grades 10,11 and 12
Chapter 2 : Promotion Requirements of the NSC Grades 10-12 (General)
7. Organising fields
8. Rules of subject combination
9. Requirements of the NSC
10. Provisos
11. Promotion and certification requirements
12. Concessions
Chapter 3 : Assessment
13. Assessment in Grades 10 and 11
14. Assessment in Grade 12
15. Recording and reporting
16. Supplementary examinations
Chapter 4: Time Allocation for Subjects
17. Introduction
18. Time allocation
Chapter 5 : Repeal of policy and Transitional Arrangements
19. Repeal of policy
20. Transitional arrangements
21. Commencement and date of implementation
Annexures A-D
NSC Annexures A-D
Implementation of the abridged version of the amended section four of the curriculum and assessment policy statement for Grades R-12
Notice No. 1429 of 2019
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