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South African Schools Act, 1996 (Act No. 84 of 1996)


Devices to be used for Drug Testing and the procedure to be followed

5. Information about each device




1) Drug Detective-
a) is a single-use disposable test for which no urine sample is required;
b) is a rapid screening test for the qualitative detection of a wide variety of drugs; and
c) allows for the testing of-
i) solid surfaces such as a hand, the inside of a lined pocket, a table top, a computer keyboard or a cellphone keypad;
ii) plant material or fragments of tablets;
iii) liquids; and
iv) powders or resins.


2) The kit is capable of detecting many variations of different classes of drugs of abuse, including the following:
a) Amphetamines (AMP);
b) cocaine (C~C) and crack;
c) marijuana or cannabis (THC);
d) methamphetamine (MET);
e) opiates (OPI) (morphine and heroin and codeine); and
f) methadone (MTD).


3) Summary of procedure
a) When a surface is to be tested for drug residue, it is wiped with a little sponge.
b) When plant material or tablet fragments are tested, they are placed inside the collection tube.
c) When a liquid is tested, it is collected with the sponge and deposited in the collection tube.
d) When a powder is tested, it is scraped up with a small spatula and deposited in a buffer tube.
e) In all four cases, at the end of the procedure, drops of a prepared liquid are applied to the test device.
f) There is a waiting period of 10 minutes, after which the result can be read.


4) Other relevant information
a) The kit, in its foil pouch, must be stored at room temperature - which is above -2°C and below 35°C - must not be frozen, and must not be exposed to sunlight.
b) The test result, which is available within 10 minutes, is only a qualitative, preliminary analytical result.
c) A secondary analytical method can be used to obtain a confirmed result.




1) One Step Home Cocaine Test Strip is used for the qualitative detection of the cocaine metabolite in human urine.


2) The test strip should remain in the sealed pouch until use.


3) Summary of procedure-
a) Collect the urine specimen in a clean and dry container.
b) Remove the test strip from the sealed pouch and use it immediately.
c) Hold the test strip vertically - that is, with the arrows pointing towards the urine specimen.
d) Immerse the test strip in the urine specimen for 10 seconds.
e) Do not immerse the test strip beyond the maximum line ("MAX").
f) Place the test strip on a non-absorbent flat surface and start the timer.
g) Wait for the red line or lines to appear.
h) Read the result after five minutes.


4) Other relevant information
a) The test provides only qualitative, preliminary results.
b) A secondary test must be used to obtain confirmed results.
c) The test does not distinguish between drugs of abuse and certain medications.
d) A procedural control is included in the test.




1) Multi-Drug is a rapid, one-step screening test for the simultaneous, qualitative detection of multiple drugs and drug metabolites in human urine.


2) Owing to the speed and sensitivity of this test, it is the most widely accepted method of testing urine for multiple drugs of abuse.


3) This test device is a lateral-flow chromatographic assay for the qualitative detection of many variations of classes of drugs of abuse, including the following:
a) Amphetamine (AMP);
b) barbiturates (BAR);
c) methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA);
d) propoxyphene;
e) methadone (MTD);
f) methamphetamine (MET);
g) oxycodone (OXY);
h) benzodiazepine (BZO);
i) morphine;.
j) opiates;
k) phencyclidine or angel dust (PCP);
l) buprenorphine;
m) cocaine (COC);
n) marijuana or cannabis (THC); and
o) tricyclic antidepressants.


4) Summary of procedure-
a) Leave the test device and control pouch outside the refrigerator for 10 minutes to reach room temperature before testing.
b) Remove the test device from the sealed pouch.
c) Place the test device on a clean and level surface.
d) Hold the dropper vertically and transfer three full drops of urine to each specimen container of the test device.
e) Start the timer.
f) Avoid trapping air bubbles in the specimen container.
g) Wait for the coloured line or lines to appear.
h) Read the results after five minutes.


5) Other relevant information
a) Multi-Drug provides only qualitative, preliminary analytical results.
b) A secondary analytical method must be used to obtain confirmed results.
c) GCMS is the preferred confirmatory method.
d) The test does not distinguish between drugs of abuse and certain medications.




1) This is a one-step qualitative assay that provides easily interpretable results within five minutes.


2) The test can accurately detect the following drugs of abuse:
a) Amphetamine (AMP);
b) barbiturates (BAR);
c) benzodiazepines (BZO);
d) cocaine (COC) and crack;
e) marijuana or cannabis (THC);
f) methamphetamine (MET);
g) methadone (MTD);
h) opiates (morphine and heroin and codeine) (OPI);
i) oxycodone (OXY); and
j) phenylcyclidine or angel dust (PCP).


3) Summary of procedure-
a) Remove the test device from the sealed pouch.
b) Remove the bottom cover to expose the test strips.
c) Dip the sample pads of the test device straight into the urine sample for a minimum of 10 seconds.
d) Remove the test device from the urine sample and reattach the bottom cover.
e) Place the device on a level surface.
f) Read the results once the control band appears and the membrane clears - that is, after approximately five minutes.


4) Other relevant information-

The results are stable and may be interpreted up to one hour after the control band appears.




1) This rapid, sensitive test has become the most widely accepted method of urine-based screening for drugs of abuse.


2) The test can accurately detect the following drugs of abuse:
a) Marijuana or cannibis (THC);
b) cocaine or benzoylecgonine (COC);
c) morphine (OPI);
d) methamphetamine (MET);
e) amphetamine (AMP);
f) phencyclidine or angel dust (PCP);
g) oxazepam (BZO);
h) secobarbital (BAR);
i) methadone (MTD);
j) nortriptyline (TCA);
k) 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA); and
l) oxycodone (OXY).


3) Summary of procedure
a) Draw the urine sample up in the pipette.
b) Dispense three drops of urine into the sample container.
c) Take care to avoid adding drops of urine that contain air.
d) Interpret the result after five minutes.




1) This is a one-step test for the rapid qualitative detection of drugs of abuse.


2) Toxcup can effectively detect the following drugs of abuse:
a) Amphetamine (AMP);
b) barbiturates (BAR);
c) benzodiazepines (BZO);
d) cocaine or benzoylecgonine (COC);
e) marijuana or cannabis (THC);
f) methamphetamine (MET);
g) opiates (morphine and heroin and codeine) (OPI);
h) oxycodone (OXY); and
i) phencyclidine (PCP).


3) Summary of procedure
a) Remove the test lid from the sealed pouch.
b) Twist the test lid securely onto the specimen cup after collection.
c) Lean the cup on its side to activate testing.
d) Read the results once the control band appears and the membrane clears - after approximately five minutes.


4) Other relevant information

The results are stable for up to one hour after the control band appears.




1) This is a one-step test for the rapid qualitative detection of drug abuse.


2) The device can effectively and accurately detect the following drugs of abuse:
a) Methamphetamine (MET);
b) amphetamine (AMP);
c) heroin, morphine;
d) cocaine;
e) marijuana, cannabis; and
f) MDM (Ecstasy)


3) Summary of procedure
a) The urine specimen must be collected in a clean and dry container.
b) Urine collected at any time of the day may be used.
c) Read the results after five minutes.


4) Other relevant information

The results must not be interpreted after more than 10 minutes.




1) This is a one-step test for the rapid qualitative detection of drug abuse.


2) The device can effectively and accurately detect the following drugs of abuse:
a) Methamphetamine (MET);
b) amphetamine (AMP);
c) heroin, morphine;
d) cocaine; and
e) marijuana, cannabis.


3) Summary of procedure
a) The urine specimen must be collected in a clean and dry container.
b) Urine collected at any time of the day may be used.
c) Read the results after five minutes.


4) Other relevant information

The results must not be interpreted after more than 10 minutes.





1) This is a one-step test for the rapid qualitative detection of drug abuse.


2) The device can effectively and accurately detect the following drugs of abuse:
a) Amphetamine (AMP);
b) marijuana (THC);
c) barbiturate (BAR);
d) oxazepam (BZO);
e) opiates (OPI);
f) metamphetamine (MET);
g) methodone (MTD);
h) phencylidine (PCP);
i) cocaine (COC); and
j) oxycodone (OXY).


3) Summary of procedure
a) The subject simply urinates into the collection cup and closes the lid.
b) The results are ready in five minutes.


4) Other relevant information

A new device should be used for each urine test to avoid cross-contamination of urine.




1) The oral fluid method detects parent drug rather than metabolites.


2) Avitar can effectively detect the following drugs of abuse:
a) Cocaine;
b) opiates;
c) marijuana or cannabis; and
d) methamphetamine.


3) Summary of procedure
a) Bring the pouch to room temperature.
b) Make sure that the person being tested has had nothing in their mouth for at least five minutes before sample collection.
c) Collect the oral fluid sample by removing the collector from the package, sliding the plastic hood back and exposing the foam.


4) Other relevant information

Read the results after 15 minutes.