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South African Schools Act, 1996 (Act No. 84 of 1996)RegulationsRegulations for the Conduct, Administration and Management of Assessment for the Senior Certificate, 2005Chapter 5 : Conduct of examinations31. Instruction to candidates |
(1) | The Chief Invigilator or his or her deputy must read out the following instructions to the candidates before the start of the examinations: |
(a) | No explanation of examination questions may be asked or given by any person; |
(b) | No candidate is allowed to leave the examination room within the first hour of the examination, except in an emergency and under supervision; |
(c) | As soon as a candidate hands in his or her answer script, he or she must leave the examination room; |
(d) | A candidate must carefully read and comply with the instructions, which appear on the front cover of his or her answer book and also those on the question paper and the examination timetable; |
(e) | A candidate is not allowed to assist another candidate or try to assist him or her or communicate with another candidate; |
(f) | All questions must be directed to the invigilator; |
(g) | A candidate may not cause a disturbance in the examination room or behave in an improper or unseemly manner; |
(h) | A candidate may not disregard the instructions of the invigilator; |
(i) | Unless otherwise stipulated as a requirement for the particular examination, a candidate may not be in possession of: |
(i) | any written material, e.g. books, examination memorandums, notes, etc; |
(ii) | maps or aerial photographs; |
(iii) | unused examination paper; |
(iv) | other documents, papers or material which may be of help to a candidate in the examination; |
(v) | programmable calculators; or |
(vi) | any electronic receiver or transmission devices, e.g. cell phones. |
(j) | The excuse that a candidate has forgotten or was not aware that he or she has the unauthorised material listed in paragraph 1(i) in his or her possession will not be accepted; |
(k) | Calculators may only be used by a candidate in subjects where these are indicated on the question paper as being necessary; |
(l) | All answer scripts, answer sheets and any other aids issued to the candidate must be handed in before the candidate leaves the examination room, otherwise these will not be recognised for evaluation; |
(m) | The Invigilator will tick off the name of the candidate on the mark sheet to confirm the presence or absence of the candidate; |
(n) | The Invigilator will read any erratum on a specific question paper to the candidates concerned; |
(o) | Candidates are allowed ten minutes reading time before the official commencement of the examination during which no writing of any kind may take place; |
(p) | All work, including rough work, must be completed in the answer script provided; |
(q) | A candidate may only use a separate answer script for a particular section of the question paper if the instructions on the question paper specifically require that to be done; |
(r) | Candidates must number the answer scripts in numerical order if more than one answer script is used; |
(s) | The name of the candidate or the institution where he or she is enrolled must not appear anywhere in the answer script; |
(t) | A candidate must not remove any used or unused answer books from the examination room; and |
(u) | If a candidate does not obey these instructions, he or she may render himself or herself liable for suspension from this and future examinations. |