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South African Schools Act, 1996 (Act No. 84 of 1996)RegulationsRegulations for the Conduct, Administration and Management of Assessment for the Senior Certificate, 2005Chapter 11 : Examination/Assessment Irregularities52. Irregularities that may occur during the conduct of the examination |
(1) | Assessment irregularities identified during the writing of the examination may be classified as— |
(a) | learners misbehaving or wilfully disobeying regulations or instructions issued during an examination; |
(b) | learners engaged in dishonest acts during the examination process; and |
(c) | department officials, teachers/educators contravening the legislation on the conduct of the Senior Certificate examinations, so as to grant candidates an unfair advantage/disadvantage in the examination. |
(2) | This category of examination irregularity includes: |
(a) | creating a disturbance or intimidating others or behaving in an improper or unseemly manner; |
(b) | disorderly conduct; |
(c) | disregard for the arrangements or reasonable instructions of the invigilator despite a warning; and |
(d) | disregard for examination regulations. |
(3) | Learners engaged in dishonest acts during the examination process include those that are identified before the commencement of the examination and those that are identified while the question paper is being written. |
(4) | Acts that are identified before the commencement of the examination include the following: |
(a) | Presentation of fraudulent identification documents; |
(b) | Failure to present identification documents; |
(c) | Bribery or attempted bribery; |
(d) | Access to leaked question paper/s; and |
(e) | Possession of unauthorised examination material. |
(5) | Acts that are identified while the question paper is being written include the following: |
(a) | Possession of notes or any other unauthorised material, which could in any way assist in the answering of questions; |
(b) | Copying from notes or textbooks or any other unauthorised material; |
(c) | Copying from fellow candidates; |
(d) | Attempting to obtain assistance from, or being assisted by, another candidate or any other individual; |
(e) | Assisting, or attempting to assist, another candidate; |
(f) | Receiving assistance from any other source; |
(g) | Question paper written by another or substitute candidate; |
(h) | The use of another candidate’s examination number; |
(i) | Any other type of conduct or possession, which could render improper assistance or unfair advantage to a candidate and thereby prejudice other candidates; |
(j) | Use of a cell phone, programmable calculators or any other electronic device that may be of assistance to the candidates whilst writing the examination, except where the examination instructions specify otherwise; and |
(k) | Any other action, which is in contravention of the relevant legislation. |
(6) | In any of the stages relating to the writing of the examination, if there is evidence that there is a contravention of the relevant legislation on the part of examination officials involved in these processes, which could result in the granting of an unfair advantage to the candidates writing the examination, this must be declared an irregularity. |