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South African Schools Act, 1996 (Act No. 84 of 1996)RegulationsRegulations for the Conduct, Administration and Management of Assessment for the Senior Certificate, 2005Chapter 12 : Procedures for Dealing with Alleged Irregularities60. Procedures in respect of examination irregularities identified during the marking process |
(1) | In the case of examination irregularities relating to the process of marking as contemplated in regulation 52, 53 and 54, that are committed by examination officials, the Head of Department or his or her nominee may immediately suspend an examination official, who contravenes any of these regulations, and the matter must be dealt with in accordance with the Employment of Educators’ Act or in terms of the Public Service Act, or any other relevant legislation. |
(2) | Examination irregularities identified by Markers during the marking process must be dealt with as follows: |
(a) | All examination irregularities suspected by Markers must immediately be reported to the Senior Marker or Deputy Chief Marker or Chief Marker who then refers it to the Centre Manager. These are then referred to the Head of Examinations and the Provincial Examinations Irregularities Committee (PEIC); |
(b) | Answer scripts in which alleged examination irregularities are identified must be marked as usual. The word “IRREGULARITY” must be written in red ink on the front cover, along the margin. |
(c) | These scripts must then be handed in together with the other answer scripts and completed mark sheets to the Senior Marker or Deputy Chief Marker or Chief Marker for attention. The marks of the suspected candidate must be entered on the mark sheet, with an indicator stating "irregular"; |
(d) | If the Senior Marker agrees with the finding of the Marker, he or she must clearly indicate on each answer script the location of the examination irregularity and hand the whole batch of answer scripts over to the relevant Deputy Chief Marker or Chief Marker; |
(e) | Where the Senior Marker disagrees with the findings of the Marker, the script should be handed to the Deputy Chief Marker or Chief Marker for a second opinion. If the Deputy Chief Marker or the Chief Marker concurs with the Senior Marker, the answer script must be returned to the Marker for normal processing; and |
(f) | If the suspected examination irregularity is confirmed by the Deputy Chief Marker or Chief Marker, the prescribed irregularity report must be completed and forwarded together with the evidence to the Head of Examinations and the Provincial Examinations Irregularities Committee (PEIC). |