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South African Schools Act, 1996 (Act No 84 of 1996)National Norms and Standards for School Funding (NNSSF)Notice No. 424 of 2011 |
Notice No. 424
13 May 2011
Department of Basic Education
1) | I, Angelina Matsie Motshekga, Minister of Basic Education, hereby, in accordance with section 39(10) of the South African Schools Act, 1996 (Act No. 84 of 1996), publish the list per province, of schools that may not charge school fees. |
2) | The Members of the Executive Councils (MECs) responsible for education in provinces have identified the specific schools in the province that may not charge school fees [that will be no-fee schools as contemplated in section 39(9) of the South African Schools Act, 1996 in 2011. |
3) | The list of schools per province with the details per school may be accessed as follows: |
3.1) | From the office of: Assistant Director: Financial Planning |
Ms E Lubbe
Department of Basic Education
Private Bag X895
PRETORIA. 0001, Tel: (012) 3574298;
Fax: (012) 323 6651; Email: [email protected]
3.2) | From the Department of Basic Education's website, www.education.gov.za. |
4) | All schools identified in the list contemplated in paragraph 5 must be notified by letter that the school is a no-fee school within 5 working days after I have approved the list. |
5) | Specific questions regarding no fee schools should be addressed to the MECs for Education in the provinces, at the following addresses: |
Mr M Makapula MEC: Education Eastern Cape Private Bag X0032 BISHO 5605 Tel. 040 608 4202/3 Fax 040 608 4247 |
Mr TP Makgoe MEC: Education Free State PO Box 521 BLOEMFONTEIN 9300 Tel. 051 404 8411 Fax 051 404 8295 |
Mr D Grant MEC: Education Western Cape Private Bag X9161 CAPETOWN 8000 Tel. 021 467 2523/6 Fax 021 425 5689 |
Ms G Cjikela MEC: Education Northern Cape Private Bag X5023 KIMBERLEY 8300 Tel. 053 830 7160 Fax 053 830 7177 |
Mr R Elisha MEC: Education North West Private Bag X2044 MMABATHO 2735 Tel. 018 387 3700/3748 Fax 018 384 5016 |
Mr D Masemola MEC: Education Limpopo Private Bag X9489 POLOKWANE 0700 Tel. 015 297 0013 Fax: 015 297 0885 |
Ms R Mhaule MEC: Education Mpumalanga PO Box 3011 POLOKWANE 1200 Tel. 013 766 5555 Fax 086 535 1804/3 |
Ms B Creecy MEC: Education Gauteng PO Box 7710 JOHANNESBURG 2000 Tel. 011 355 0909 Fax 011 355 0542 |
Mr ES Mchunu MEC: Education KwaZulu-Natal Private Bag X9137 PIETERMARITZBURG 3200 Tel. 033 355 2414 Fax 033 394 0893 |
Mrs Angie Motshekga, MP
Minister of Basic Education
Date: 18-04-2011