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South African Weather Service Act, 2001 (Act No. 8 of 2001)


Regulations regarding Fees for the provision of Aviation Meteorological Services, 2023

Appendix 1




1. Category 1


The fee for the provision of aviation meteorological services in respect of an aircraft with a maximum certificated mass (MCM) of 2000 kilograms and above, is calculated according to the following formula:




T x W x D

Where        T


Tariff amount in ZAR



Square root of (MCM in metric tonnes divided by 50)



Distance flown in kilometers within the flight information region of South Africa in kilometer divided by 100


The proposed tariffs for the next three financial years are as follows:


1 April 2023 - 31 March 2024:        R56.91

1 April 2024 - 31 March 2025:        R61.45

1 April 2025 - 31 March 2026:        R64.81


Exception rule: Aircraft with a maximum certificated mass (MCM) between 2000 and 4999 kilograms that operate exclusively under Visual Flight Rules (VFR), fall into Category 2 below.


2. Category 2


In respect of an aircraft with a maximum certificated mass (MCM) below 2000 kilograms or those aircraft that qualify according to the exception rule, the tariff is set at zero.