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Special Economic Zones Act, 2014 (Act No. 16 of 2014)
Notice No. 388 of 2014
Chapter 1 : Definitions, Objects and Application
1. Definitions
2. Objects of Act
3. Application of Act
Chapter 2 : Purpose, Policy and Strategy of Special Economic Zones
4. Purpose of Special Economic Zones
5. Special Economic Zones policy
6. Special Economic Zones strategy
Chapter 3 : Special Economic Zones Advisory Board
7. Establishment of Special Economic Zones Advisory Board
8. Terms of office...
9. Disqualification from membership of Advisory Board
10. Vacation of office and filling of vacancies on Advisory Board
11. Functions of Advisory Board
12. Fiduciary duties of Advisory Board members
13. Code of good conduct and disclosure of interests by Advisory Board members
14. Meetings of Advisory Board
15. Resolution of Advisory Board without meeting
16. Committees of Advisory Board
17. Secretariat of Advisory Board
18. Expenditure, remuneration and allowances paid to members of Advisory Board and committees
19. Dissolution of Advisory Board
Chapter 4 : Financing and Support Measures
20. Special Economic Zones Fund
21. Support measures
22. Implementation protocol
Chapter 5 : Designation of Special Economic Zones
23. Application for designation
24. Designation of Special Economic Zones
25. Governance and management of Special Economic Zone
26. Strategic plan for Special Economic Zone
27. Business and financial plan...
28. Reporting and financial statements of Special Economic Zone
29. Taking over administration of Special Economic Zone
30. Withdrawal of designation
Chapter 6 : Special Economic Zone Operator
31. Special Economic Zone operator
32. Application for Special Economic Zone operator permit
33. Requirements for application...
34. Special Economic Zone operator permit
35. Functions of Special Economic Zone operator
36. Suspension or withdrawal of Special Economic Zone operator permit
37. Transfer of Special Economic Zone operator permit
38. Application to locate in Special Economic Zone
Chapter 7 : General Provisions
39. Transitional provisions and savings
40. Guidelines
41. Regulations
42. Short title and commencement
Regulations made in terms of section 41 of the Special Economic Zones Act, 2014 (Act No. 16 of 2014)
Notice - Proclamation No. R. 6 of 2016
Schedule A
1. Interpretation
2. Sources of funds of the Special Economic Zones Fund
3. Administration and management of the Special Economic Zones Fund
4. Distribution of money from the Special Economic Zones Fund
5. Requirements for an application for monies from the Special Economic Zones Fund
6. Support measures for operators operating within a Special Economic Zone
7. Support measures for businesses located within a Special Economic Zone
8. Application for designation
9. Type of service and business that may locate in a Special Economic Zone
10. Application by business or service to locate in a Special Economic Zone
11. Governance and management of a Special Economic Zone
12. Special Economic Zone operator permit
13. Reporting duty of Advisory Board
14. Transitional arrangements
Schedule 1 : Feasibility in terms of section 23(3)(b) of the Act
15. Compliance of feasibility study with Guidelines
16. Feasibility study
Special Economic Zones Governance and Management Regulations
Notice No. 390 of 2018
Short title
1. Interpretation
2. Governance and management of a Special Economic Zone
3. Membership of the Special Economic Zone Board
4. Terms of office of Board members
5. Appointment of the Chief Executive Officer
6. Disqualification from membership of the Board
7. Vacation of office and filling of vacancies in the Board
8. Role and responsibilities of the Board
9. Fiduciary duties of Board members
10. Disclosure of interest by a Board member
11. Meetings of the Board
12. Resolution of the Board without meeting
13. Committees of Board
14. Expenditure, remuneration and allowance paid to members of the Board and committees
16. Dissolution of the Board
Commencement of the Special Zones Act , 2014 (Act No. 16 of 2014)
Proclamation No. R. 6 of 2016
Chapter 1 : Definitions, Objects and Application
1. Definitions
2. Objects of Act
3. Application of Act
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