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Stock Theft Act, 1959 (Act No. 57 of 1959) |
2. Failure to give satisfactory account of possession of stock or produce
3. Absence of reasonable cause for believing stock or produce properly acquired
5. [Repealed] Delivery of stock or produce between sunset and sunrise
6. Document of identification to be furnished by person who disposes of stock
7. Acquisition of stock or produce from certain persons whose places of residence are unknown
8. Stock or produce driven, conveyed or transported on or along public roads
9. Arrest and search without warrant
10. Malicious arrest and search
11. Verdicts on a charge of theft of stock or produce
12. Act applicable in all cases where charge is one of theft of stock or produce
13. [Repealed] Jurisdiction of magistrates' courts in respect of punishments
14. Jurisdiction of magistrates' courts in respect of sentence
15. Compensation for damage to or loss of stock or produce
18. Application of sections 5, 6, 7 and 8
20. Repeal or amendment of laws
21. Short title and date of commencement