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Supreme Court Act, 1959 (Act No. 59 of 1959)41. Transmission of summonses, writs and other process and of notice of issue thereof by telegraph |
In any civil proceeding—
(a) | any summons, writ, warrant, rule, order, notice, document or other process of the court or communication which by any law, rule of court or agreement of parties is required or directed to be served or executed upon any person, or left at the house or place of abode or business of any person, in order that such person may be affected thereby, may be transmitted by telegraph, and a telegraphic copy served or executed upon such person, or left at his house or place of abode or business, shall be of the same force and effect as if the original had been shown to or a copy thereof served or executed upon such person, or left as aforesaid, as the case may be; and |
(b) | a telegram from any judicial or police officer, registrar, assistant registrar, sheriff, deputy-sheriff or clerk of the court stating that a warrant or writ has been issued for the apprehension or arrest of any person required to appear in or to answer any civil suit, action or proceeding, shall be a sufficient authority to any officer by law authorised to execute any such warrant or writ for the arrest and detention of such person until a sufficient time, not exceeding fourteen days, has elapsed to allow of the transmission of the warrant or writ to the place where such person has been arrested or detained, unless the discharge of such person be previously ordered by a judge of the Supreme Court: Provided that any such judge may upon cause shown order the further detention of any such person for a period to be stated in such order, but not exceeding twenty-eight days from the date of the arrest of such person. |