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The Economic Regulation of Transport Act, 2024 (Act No. 6 of 2024)

Chapter 4 : Establishment of Institutions

Part A : Transport Economic Regulator

36. Appointment of Executive Officers


(1) The Board must appoint suitably qualified persons, with experience in economics, law, accounting, engineering or the transportation industry, as Chief Executive Officer, and as Executive Officers of the Regulator.


(2) A person may not be appointed, or continue to hold office, as Chief Executive Officer or Executive Officer if that person is subject to any disqualification that would apply to a member of the Board, as set out in section 31(2).


(3) The Chief Executive Officer holds office for a term of four years.


(4) A person may be re-appointed as Chief Executive Officer on the expiry of the person’s first term of office.


(5) Each Executive Officer—
(a) holds office for a term of five years, subject to subsection (6); and
(b) may be re-appointed on expiry of each term.


(6) On the recommendation of the Chief Executive Officer, the Board must designate, for each Executive Officer position, a member of staff of the Regulator who is not an Executive Officer to serve as an alternate for the Executive Officer in the case of any absence of the incumbent Executive Officer, or vacancy in the position.