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The Economic Regulation of Transport Act, 2024 (Act No. 6 of 2024)

Chapter 4 : Establishment of Institutions

Part A : Transport Economic Regulator

39. General provisions concerning Regulator


(1) In carrying out its functions, the Regulator may—
(a) have regard to regional or international developments in the field of economic regulation of transport; and
(b) consult any person, organisation or institution with regard to any matter.


(2) In respect to a particular matter within its jurisdiction or responsibility, the Regulator may exercise its responsibility by way of an agreement contemplated in section 43(11)(c).


(3) The Regulator, after consultation with the Minister, may issue directives relating to the functions of the Regulator, including—
(a) forms;
(b) time periods;
(c) information required;
(d) filing fees;
(f) manner and form of participation in Regulator procedures.


(4) The remuneration, benefits and conditions of employment of—
(a) the Chief Executive Officer and other Executive Officers must be determined by the Board, after consultation with the Minister; and
(b) any other staff of the Regulator, must be determined by the Chief Executive Officer, in accordance with the remuneration and conditions of service policy approved by the Board.