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The Economic Regulation of Transport Act, 2024 (Act No. 6 of 2024)

Chapter 4 : Establishment of Institutions

Part C : Administrative matters concerning Regulator and Council

50. Finances


(1) The Regulator and the Council are each financed from—
(a) the annual fees to be paid by regulated entities, as determined by the Minister in terms of section 51;
(b) money appropriated by Parliament;
(c) any other fees payable in terms of this Act;
(d) income derived from its investment and deposit of surplus money in terms of subsection (2)(b); and
(e) other money accruing from any other source that does not create a conflict of interest.


(2) The Regulator and Council—
(a) must each prepare their own budgets and administer their own finances in accordance with the provisions of the Public Finance Management Act and other relevant legislation; and
(b) may invest or deposit money that is not immediately required for contingencies or to meet current expenditures—
(i) on a call or short-term fixed deposit with any registered bank or financial institution in the Republic; or
(ii) in an investment account with the Corporation for Public Deposits established in terms of section 2 of the Corporation for Public Deposits Act, 1984 (Act No. 46 of 1984).


(3) The financial year of the Regulator and the Council, respectively, is the period of 12 months beginning 1 April each year and ending on the following 31 March, except that the first financial year—
(a) begins on the effective date; and
(b) ends on the next following 31 March.