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The Economic Regulation of Transport Act, 2024 (Act No. 6 of 2024)

Chapter 2 : Access to Rail Infrastructure

9. Decision on access approval


(1) The Regulator must grant access approval, if all the requirements set out in section 8(4) are met.


(2) The Regulator may grant access approval, even if the requirements of section 8(4)(a) are not met: Provided that the access seeker has given a written undertaking to the Regulator to fund the required investment in infrastructure.


(3) If the Regulator grants access approval in terms of subsection (2), the terms of the access agreement must reasonably allow for the access seeker to realise the value of its investment.


(4) The Regulator may grant access to the access seeker contemplated in subsection (2), only once the new infrastructure or facility is built.


(5) If the Regulator has granted access approval in terms of subsection (1) or (2), the access seeker and the infrastructure owner must enter into an access agreement within a period specified in the access approval, failing which the Regulator must determine the terms of the access agreement.


(6) Any party that is aggrieved by a decision of the Regulator in terms of this section, may appeal to the Council against a decision or apply to the Council for a review of the decision, in terms of section 22.