R 385
Tourism Act 1993 (Act No. 72 of 1993)Regulations in respect of Tourist Guides3. Registration of tourist guides |
1) |
a) | Any person who wishes to be registered as a tourist guide must apply on an application form that must, in all material respects, be substantially similar to the form in Annexure A. |
b) | The application must be accompanied by - |
i) | proof of the competence contemplated in section 21B of the Act (inclusive of a valid first aid certificate); |
ii) | proof of having passed the quality assurance process (where applicable) as set out in Annexure G; |
iii) | the registration fee of R 240,00; |
iv) | four recent, clear, unmounted and identical full-face colour photographs of the applicant (showing only the head and shoulders), measuring 30 x 25 mm; and |
v) | a declaration to comply with laws and regulations applicable to tourist guides, including the tourist guide code of conduct and ethics. |
2) |
a) | The registration certificate referred to in section 21A(5) of the Act must in all material respects be substantially similar to the form in Annexure B. |
b) | The badge referred to in section 21A(5) of the Act must in all material respects be substantially similar to the illustration in Annexure C. |
c) | Any certificate of registration or badge issued to a tourist guide remains the property of the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism. |
3) |
a) | The application form for the renewal of registration referred to in section 21A(6)(b) of the Act must, in all material respects, be substantially similar to the form in Annexure D. |
b) | The fee payable upon registration is R 240,00 and may be increased biannually after notification and consultation with all nine provinces. |
4) |
a) | The fields of specialisation contemplated in section 21A(7) of the Act are as set out in Annexure G. |
b) | Any tourist guide who wishes to obtain a new registration certificate and badge, reflecting the acquisition of a competence in a field of specialisation or an additional competence within such a field, must apply on an application form that, in all material respects, is substantially similar to the form in Annexure E. |
c) | The application must be accompanied by- |
i) | proof of the competence or additional competence acquired; |
ii) | the fee of R60; and |
iii) | additional photographs if required. |
d) | The new registration certificate must in all material respects be substantially similar to the form in Annexure B. |
e) | The new badge must in all material respects be substantially similar to the illustration in Annexure C. |
f) | Upon receipt of the new certificate and badge the tourist guide must return the certificate of registration previously issued and any copy or duplicate thereof, as well as the old badge, to the registrar. |