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Trade Marks Act, 1993 (Act No. 194 of 1993)Part XIII : Powers and Duties of Registrar45. General powers of registrar |
(1) | The registrar shall, in connection with any proceedings before him, have all such powers and jurisdiction as are possessed by a single judge in a civil action before the Transvaal Provincial Division of the Supreme Court. |
(2) | Where no provision is contained in this Act on any matter of procedure, the registrar shall apply the rules governing procedure in the Transvaal Provincial Division of the Supreme Court. |
(3) | Whenever by this Act any time is specified within which any act is to be performed or thing is to be done by any person, the registrar may, on application by that person and unless otherwise expressly provided, extend the time either before or after its expiration. |
(4) | Where any party to any proceedings before the registrar neither resides nor carries on business in the Republic, the registrar may order him to give security for the costs of the proceedings and, in default of such security being given, may dismiss the application or opposition, as the case may be. |