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Table of Contents
Traditional Health Practitioners Act, 2004 (Act No. 35 of 2004)
Notice No. 132 of 2005
Chapter 1 : Definitions
1. Definitions
2. Purpose of Act
3. Application of Act
Chapter 2 : Establishment and Governance of Interim Traditional Health Practitioners
4. Establishment of Interim Traditional Health Practitioners Council
5. Objects of Council
6. Functions of Council
7. Constitution of Council
8. Vacation of office and filling of vacancies
9. Disqualification as member of Council
10. Chairperson and vice-chairperson
11. Meetings of Council
12. Quorum and procedure at meeting
13. Executive committee of Council
14. Other committees of Council
15. Remuneration of members of Council and committees
16. Funds of Council
17. Accounting officer
Chapter 3 : Registrar, Staff or Registrar and Registration Procedures
18. Appointment of registrar
19. Functions of registrar
20. Staff of registrar
21. Application for registration to practise
22. Qualifications for registration
23. Removal from and restoration of name to register
24. Issue of duplicate registration certificate, certificate of status and extract from reg
25. Custody and publication of registers
26. Register as proof
27. Right of appeal
28. Conditions relating to continuing education
Chapter 4 : Disciplinary Inquiries and Investigations by Council
29. Laying of complaints
30. Inquiries into charges of misconduct
31. Manner in which certain investigations may be instituted
32. Entering and search of premises, attachment and removal of documents
33. Report by investigating officer
34. Procedure at inquiry and relevant matters
35. Postponement of imposition of penalty and suspension of penalty or part thereof
36. Effect of suspension or removal from register
37. Cognisance by Council of conduct under certain circumstances
38. Penalty for false evidence
39. Limitation of liability
40. Rules relating to offences
41. Inquiries in respect of mentally impaired registered persons
Chapter 5 : General and Supplementary Provisions
42. Fees charged by registered persons
43. False representations, false entries in register and impersonation
44. Limitations in respect of unregistered persons
45. Investigation of matters relating to teaching or training of certain classes of persons
46. Exemptions
47. Regulations
48. Rules
49. Offences
50. Payment of annual fees
51. Transitional provisions
52. Short title and commencement
means the registrar of the Council appointed in terms of
section 18
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