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Use of Official Languages Act, 2012 (Act No. 12 of 2012)NoticesDevelopment Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) Language PolicyNotice No. 691 of 2015 |
Notice No. 691 of 2015
Development Bank of Southern Africa
The Use of Official Languages Act was promulgated to provide for the regulation and monitoring of the use of official languages by National government for government purposes, as well as to require the adoption of a language policy by a national department, national public entity and national private enterprise.
The DBSA, a Schedule 2 public entity in terms of the Public Finance Management Act, is committed to promoting multilingualism and fair language use that is based on tolerance and respect for other cultures.
The DBSA's Language Policy provides guidelines for the use of languages at the DBSA and applies to all DBSA employees and may affect DBSA stakeholders.
I, Patrick Diamini, Chief Executive Officer of the DBSA, in terms of section 4(2)(h) of the Use of Official Languages Act, hereby publish the DBSA's adopted Language Policy.
Patrick Dlamini
Chief Executive Officer