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Usury Act, 1968 (Act No. 73 of 1968)

Report on Costs and Interest Rates in the Small Loans Sector

Annex II : Bibliography



1. BDO Spencer Steward, Chartered Accountant (SA). (12 August 1999). Report of a Financial Impact Analysis Performed on a sample of 47 Micro Lenders, Pretoria,


2. Pothier Mike, (Research Officer) (3 March 1999). Submission to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry Banking, Micro-lending and the Usury Act, South African Catholic Bishop’s Conference. Parliamentary Liaison Office. Cape Town,


3. Association of Micro Lenders. (January 1999). MLA Members Best Practices Manual, Version 1,


4. Fagan Kevin, (B.Com CA (SA))., K & M Partnership. (November 1996) The Association of MICRO LENDERS. Personal Money Management - Making ends Meet by Taking control of Your Financial Affairs,


5. SA National Consumer Union. The Self-help Approach to Personal Budgeting and Money Management - Education; Information, Protection the Three Cornerstones of consumerism, First Edition


6. Association of Micro Lenders. Application for Membership, (11 October 1999)


7. The Association of Micro Lenders. Ethics of an MLA Member


8. Erwin Alexander (Minister of Trade and Industry). Department of Trade and Industry, Government Gazette. (1 June 1999) Notice in Terms of Section 15A of the Usury Act, 1968 (Act No 73 of1968,), Vol. 408 No 20145.


9. MLA. External Questionnaire


10. Association of Micro Lenders. Court confirms the Vital Economic Role played by Microlenders, Court Victory for Micro Lenders Association Erwin's Interest Rate Decision Aside with costs


11. Association of Micro Lenders. Circular, (22 October)


12. Association of Micro Lenders. Requirement for MLA Membership, (18 October 1999)


13. Association of Micro Lenders. Court Case. (8 September 1999)


14. MLA. Micro News. (November/December 1999)


15. MLA. Micro News. (July/August 1999)


16. Association of Micro Lenders. Code of Conduct. (1 March 1996, changes effected on 10 March 1998)


17. Micro Finance Regulatory Council. Application Pack - (Application form & rules of Micro Finance Regulatory Council)


18. Oelofsen Casper., Stassen Francois., Viviers Henk., Keymatrix. (March 2000). Interest Rate Study on the Micro Finance Industry


Profile of the Company. Annexure A


Sensitivity of R.O.I. to Interest changes. Annexure B


Sensitivity of R.O.I. to Interest changes and the outlawing of BankCard and as collection method. Annexure C


World Bank/IMF Financial Sector Assessment Program, period of October 20 - November 3, 1999. Annexure D


A Framework for Regulating Micro-finance Institutions, February 1999. Annexure E


Eben de Klerk and Peragro Financial Systems. Payments Dilemma of the Micro Finance Industry. Annexure F


Oelofsen C, Keymatrix (Pty) Ltd. (November 1999). Report on Inactive clients. Annexure G


Operational Department, Keymatric (Pty) Ltd. A case study of the influence of 15 % branches on earnings after tax and costs. Annexure H


Staten Michael E (Phd).. Johnson Robert W.(Phd). The Case for Deregulating Interest rates on Consumer Credit. November 1995. Annexure I


Trebelcock Michael (Prof University Toronto) and Advocate Shulman. The Pathology of credit breakdown. Annexure .J


Polkinghorne Roy. (Senior Manager Standard Bank). Loans to Micro-Enterprise in South Africa. 1995. Annexure K


Jonck Johan (Bcompt (Hons) CA (SA). The Case for Self-Regulation of the Micro-Financing Industry. Annexure L


19. UK Know How Fund, Hungary, Access to credit for Small Medium and Micro-enterprise, Bannock Consulting, National SME Policy Development


20. Aveyard Paul. (September 1999). Microlending-the effects of a changing regulated environment upon stakeholders with particular reference to strategies for independent micro lenders - A research report presented to the Graduate School of Business University of Cape Town in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Masters of Business Administration Degree, (December 1999). (Stockport Gary J, Prof. - supervisor)


21. Thordsen Sven., Nathan Steven. (2 March 1999) Micro lending A Budding Industry.


22. Roussos Peter., Ferrand David.. (September 1999). Review of the Micro-Finance Sector in South Africa


23. Chief Directorate., (1-3 March 2000). Business Regulation and Consumer Services Department of Trade and Industry. Submission to the Trade and Industry Portfolio Committee Hearings on Bank Charges, Microlenders and Consumer Protection


24. Secondhand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Association. Usury Act, 1968 (Act Na 73 of 1968). Regarding Notice No. 1183 published in the Government Gazette Vol. 348 No. 15836 dated 30th June 1994 referring to: Notice of intention to repeal the notice whereby money lending transactions not exceeding R 6000 are exempted from the Usury Act, 1968 (Act No. 73 of 1968).


25. The Banking Council of South Africa. The Banking Industry Submission to the portfolio committee on Trade and Industry. Bank Transaction charges and Small Loan Organisations.


26. Articles: Card and Pin-what now, Membership speeds up, Vraelys/Questionnaire, Elardud besoek Kosh


27. Micro News/Nuus. Die Tyd Loop Uit/ Time is running out.


28. Article on Business Day. (14/7/1998). Proposed Usury Act ceiling could see interest soar.


29. Article on Business Day (10/3/1999) p 16 (17). Corporate gifts emerge as a slick marketing tool.


30. Article on Sowetan, (30). (10/3 p 5). Lenders campaign for Usury Act Amendment.


31. Article by Volschenk Christo: Manuel wants to muzzle loan sharks.


32. Article by Van Der Walt Douw. Business & Technology, F & T Weekly. (10 July 1998). The Government’s plans with micro-loans. Money lenders kick off the shark skin shoes.


33. Van Der Walt Douw. Business & Technology, F & T Weekly. (10 July 1998). How micro-loans work. Money lending as a business.


34. Article by Van Niekerk Madeleine. Microlending under the spotlight.


35. Article by Powers Cathy. Star (10 July 1998). Benchmark on interest rate charges may be raised.


36. Article by Lombard AC, Faerie. Sowetan (3O July 1996). Restore Usury Act now.


37. Beeld. Krietiek teen plan om Wsake. Oekerwet te verslap. Is tot ‘nadeel van verbruiker’.


38. Deur Van Tonder Johann. Rapport. Verbruiker se regte dalk gou ingekort.


39. Article by Leshio Thabo. Usury move threatens Rl0bn loan industry. Government proposes to eliminate legal exemption that allows micro lenders to charge unrestricted interest rates on loans of less than R6 000.


40. Deur Van Tonder Johann. Sake Rapport. (12 Julie 1998). Beskerming van leners in spervuur.


41. Du Plessis P.G (l998).The micro lending industry in South Africa, Report Compiled for the MLA of SA.


42. Du Plessis P.G (1995). The small loans industry in South Africa


43. Chriten Robert.P and Rosenberg R. (1999). The Rush to Regulate: Legal Frameworks for Microfinance.


44. Meagher Patrick and Mwiinga Doris (1999). Zambian Lows Affecting Microfinance:

Review and Recommendation for Reform. IRIS Center/Univ. of Maryland


45. Stasten Stefan (1999). Regulation and Supervision of Microfinance Institutions in SA. Division 41. Financial Systems Development and Banking Services. Eschborn:GTZ


46. Marsh Duncan and Saran Navkiran (1999). Access to Credit for the Poor: The borrower’s perspective. The Black Sash Trust.


47. Adams D.W and Meyer R.L (1982). Effects of low interest rates on the poor in low income countries. Paper presented at the 18th International Conference of Agricultural Economics, Indonesia.


48. Berenbach Shari and Churchhill Craig (1997). Regulation and supervision of Microfinance institutions: Experience from Latin America, Asia and Africa.


49. Cosatu (1999). Submission to Parliamentary Hearing on Bank charges, Microlending and the Usury Act.


50. Rosenberg Richard (1996). Microcredit interest rates. Occasional paper no.1


51. Thordsen Sven and Nathan Steven (1999). Microlending: A dudding industry.


52. Focus (1995). Regulation supervision of Microfinance institutions: Stabilizing a New Financial market CGAP. Washington D.C.


53. Rhyne Elizabeth and Christen Robert. P ( ). Microfinance enters the marketplace. US. Agency for international Development Washington D.C.


54. Interest guideline, Second Circulated Draft (03 Nov. 1999).


55. The Second Hand Dealers and Pawnbrokers Association (May 1999). Second Addendum to Representation to Department of Trade and industry.


56. Marielle Zeidler (1996). Financial Services and Microenterprises in South Africa: Status, Problems and Potential. Economics and Sociology Occasional paper no.2330, Ohio State University.


57. Kirsten Marie, The financial systems approach to development finance: Origin, Evolution and Prospects.


58. Comments on the Usury Act


59. Article form Parliamentary Bureau. Pretoria News (2000), Micro Lenders checked


60. Numsa ‘s online Newspaper. New laws for loan sharks,


61. Electronic Mail & Guardian (august 1998). Consumer rage at the kindness to loan sharks.


62. Electronic Mail & Guardian (october 1997), Save us from loan sharks,


63. Electronic Mail and Guardian (29 january 1997), How Bankable is Microfinance?


64. Article by S’Thembiso Msomi. Sunday Times(28 November 1999),Are the sharks among shoals of poor really so bad?


65. Article by Robyn Cohen, Fairlady (13 October 1999). In the grip ofa loan shark


66. Alliance of Micro-Enterprise Development Practitioners. (April 1999), Guide to product development for micro finance organisations.


67. Saltzman, Sonia.B and Salinger. Darcy (September 1998). The ACCION CAMEL, Technical note, Microenterprise best practices


68. Planet Finance. Rating instrument G.IR.A.FE;


69. Planet Finance; Planet rating GIRAFE methodology; Microfinancee rating database: improve and disseminate knowledge and rating of microfinance institutions;


70. The Banking Council of South Africa (october 1999). Code of Banking Practice


71. Lic. Jacques Trigo Loubiere, Superintendency of Banks and Financial lnstitutions (september 1998). Supervision and Regulation of Financial Institutions of Micro Enterprises:Bolivian Experience


72. Markley,Deborah.M(May 1990). The impact of deregulation on rural commercial credit availability in four New England States:Emperical Evidence and Policy Implications; Final report to the Ford Foundation and the Rural Economic Policy Program of the Aspen Institute.


73. Aguilera-Alfred Nelson and Graham Douglas, H. (July 1991).Measuring discriminatory credit rationing in rural financial markets: A methodological approach; Paper presented to the American Agricultural Economics Association; Vancouver; Canada


74. Court cases no.22125/99 and no.23453/99(11 November 1999).


75. Stearns Katherine, ACCION International (April 1999). Methods for Managing Delinquency. Tools for Micro-enterprise Programs: Financial Assistance Section


76. Haggblade Steven J., Gamser S Matthew (November 1991). A field Manual for Sub-sector Practitioners. Tools for Micro-enterprise Programs: Non-financial Assistance Section