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Veterinary and Para-Veterinary Professions Act, 1982
Notice No. 342 of 1982
1. Definitions
2. Establishment of South African Veterinary Council
3. Objects of council
4. Powers and functions of council
5. Constitution of council
6. Qualifications of members council
7. Tenure of office of members of council
8. Vacation of office and filling of vacancies
9. President and vice-president of council
10. Meetings of council
11. Executive committee
12. Other committees
12A. Ad hoc appeal committees
13. Allowances of members of council and ...
14. Appointment of registrar and staff
15. Funds of council
16. Bookkeeping and auditing
17. Reports by council
18. Keeping of registers
19. Register to be proof
20. Qualifications for registration in terms of Act
20A. Compulsory community service
21. Para-veterinary professions
22. Students to be registered
23. Unregistered persons shall not practice ...
24. Requirements for registration
25. Registration of persons
26. Maintenance of registration
27. Alteration of registration
28. Termination of registration
28A. Suspension of registration and termination ...
29. Allocation of designations
29A. Powers of officers and other persons
30. Rules
31. Inquiry by council
31A. Manner in which certain investigations may be instituted
31B. Entry and search
32. Procedure at inquiry
33. Disciplinary powers of council
33A. Appeals against decisions of a Committee
34. Dispensing of medicine
35. Charges for the rendering of services
36. Obligation of employers
37. Secrecy
38. Correction of errors
39. Defect in form not to invalidate documents
40. Limitation of liability
41. Offences and penalties
42. [Repealed] Presumptions
43. Regulations
44. Repeal of laws
45. Short title and commencement
Laws Repealed
Regulations relating to Veterinary and Para-Veterinary Professions
1. Definitions
Part I : Election of Members of Council
2. Enfranchised voters
3. Calling for nominations
4. Submission of nominations
5. Acceptance of nominations
6. Notice of election
7. Death of candidates
8. Issuing of physical ballot papers
8A. Voting Facilities
8B. Double Voting
9. Voting directions
10. Ballot boxes
11. Grounds for the rejection of ballot papers
12. Examination of documents
13. Examination of ballot papers
14. Determination of result of elections
15. Announcement of elected members of council
16. Preservation of election documents
17. Report on election
18. Declaration of secrecy
Part II : Registration of Persons
19. Qualifications for registration as veterinarian
19A. Requirements for registration
19B. Curriculum requirements
19C. Examinations
19D. Lecturers: Veterinarians
20. Qualifications for registration as veterinary specialist
21. Qualifications for registration to practise para-veterinary professions
21A. Requirements for registration
21B. Curriculum requirements
21C. Examination
21D. Requirements for registration to practise the para-veterinary profession of animal health technician
21E. Curriculum requirements for the para-veterinary profession of animal health technician
21F. Examination of the para-veterinary profession of animal health technician
21G. Requirements for registration
21H. Curriculum requirements
21I. Examination
21J. Lecturers: Para-Veterinary professions
21K. Requirements for registration to practise the para-veterinary profession of veterinary physiotherapist
21L. Curriculum requirements
21M. Examination of the para-veterinary profession of veterinary physiotherapist
22. Registration of students
23. Registration to practise a profession
24. Maintenance of registration
25. Alteration of registration
26. Entries in registers
27. Allocation of designations
Part III : Particulars of Students
28. Particulars to be furnished
29. Date of submission
Part IV : Summons to Appear at Inquiries
30. Manner of summoning
31. Service of summons
Part V : General
32. Payment of fees
33. Offences and penalties
34. Commencement
Table 1 : Fees payable
Table 2 : Qualifications for registration as a veterinarian
Table 3 : Qualifications and specialities for registration as a veterinary specialist
Table 4 : Qualifications for registration to practise a para-veterinary profession
Table 5 : Entries in registers
Table 6
Table 7
Table 8
Table 9A : Exit level outcomes
Table 9B : National Diploma Veterinary Technology
Table 10A : Exit level outcomes
Table 10B : Subjects towards the qualification
Annexure A : Nomination of a candidate for an election of members of the South African Veterinary Council
Annexure B : Declaration by a person casting a vote during an election of members of the South African Veterinary Council
Annexure C : South African Veterinary Council summons to appear at an inquiry
Regulations relating to Continued Professional Development of Veterinary Professions
Notice No. R. 1129 of 2005
1. Definitions
2. Requirements
3. Quantity of CPD
4. Accreditation and monitoring of CPD activities
5. System of point allocation: Structured activities
6. System of point allocation: Other activities
7. Level of participation
8. Recording of CPD
9. Deferment of compliance
10. Non-compliance
Regulations relating to the Registration of Veterinary Facilities
Notice No. R. 318 of 2007
1. Definitions
2. Registration of Veterinary Facilities
[Repealed] Regulations relating to the Performance of Compulsory Community Service
Notice 235 of 2015
1. Definitions
2. Persons who shall perform Compulsory Community ...
3. Registration of persons performing Compulsory Community ...
4. Conditions of service
5. Places where Compulsory Community Service is to ...
6. Interruption of period of Compulsory Community ...
7. Non-compliance
8. Circumstances under which certain persons may be ...
Regulations relating to Continued Professional Development of Para-Veterinary Professions
Notice No. R. 390 of 2015
1. Definitions
2. Requirements
3. Quantity of CPD
4. Accreditation and monitoring of CPD activities
5. System of point allocation: Structured activities
6. System of point allocation: Other activities
7. Level of participation
8. Recording of CPD
9. Deferment of compliance
10. Non-compliance
Regulations relating to the Performance of Compulsory Community Service (CCS)
Notice No. R. 1082 of 2015
1. Definitions
2. Persons who shall perform Compulsory Community Service
3. Registration of persons performing Compulsory Community Service
4. Conditions of Service
5. Places where Compulsory Community Service is to be performed
6. Interruption of period of Compulsory Community Service
7. Circumstances under which certain persons may be exempted from the performance of Compulsory Community Service
Determination of amounts for the purposes of certain provisions of the Veterinary and Para-Veterinary Professions Act 1982, Act No. 19 of 1982
Notice No. 1029 of 2014
Commencement of the Veterinary and Para-Veterinary Professions Amendment Act, 2012 (Act No. 16 of 2012)
Notice No. R. 1081 of 2015
Rules relating to the Practising of Veterinary Professions
Notice No. R. 34 of 2002
1. Definitions
Part I : Services pertaining specially to veterinary professions
2. General services
3. Exceptions in respect of certain physiological and ...
3A. Exceptions in respect of importing, exporting and ...
Part II : Conduct of persons practising veterinary professions
4. General principles
5. Issuing of certificates
6. Acceptance and payment of commission
7. Canvassing and touting
8. Covering
9. Second opinion
10. Use of veterinary medicine
11. Supersession
12. Intrusion
13. Professional secrecy
14. Approximate fees
Part III : Advertising
15. Advertising
16. Promotion of products and services
17. Articles and Editorials
18. Name-plates at veterinary facilities
19. Identification of veterinary facilities
20. Indication of consulting hours
21. Printing on professional stationery
Part IV : Vehicles
22. Animal transport vehicle
Part V : Minimum standards for veterinary facilities
23. General structural requirements
24. General procedural requirements
25. General requirements at veterinary facilities
26. Records at veterinary facilities
27. Diagnostic imaging
28. General requirements for anaesthesia
Part VI : Minimum standards for mobile services
29. Minimum standards for mobile animal services
Part VII : Minimum standards for house/farm calls
30. Minimum standards for house/farm calls
Part VIII : Minimum standards for hospitals
31. Structural and procedural requirements for small animal ...
32. Structural and procedural requirements regarding animal ...
33. [Repealed]
[Repealed] Part IX : Procedure at inquiries into professional conduct
34. [Repealed]
35. [Repealed]
36. [Repealed]
37. [Repealed]
38. [Repealed]
39. [Repealed]
[Repealed] Part X : General
40. [Repealed]
[Repealed] Part XI : Minimum standards for veterinary shops
41. [Repealed]
42. [Repealed]
43. [Repealed]
Rules relating to the Practising of Para-Veterinary Profession of Veterinary Nurse
Notice No. 1488 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Services pertaining specially to the Profession of Veterinary Nurses
3. Exception in respect of Rule 2
4. Conduct of persons practising Veterinary Nursing Profession
5. Acceptance and payment of commission for services rendered in accordance with rule 2(1)
6. Covering
7. Fees for services rendered in accordance with rule 2(1) and an estimation of fees
8. Intrusion
9. Advertising for services rendered in accordance with rule 2(1)
10. Identification of veterinary nursing facilities
11. Minimum standards for veterinary nursing facilities
12. Minimum standards for Mobile Animal Services
13. Records at veterinary nursing facility
14. Dress code
15. Exemptions
16. Reporting of impairment or of unprofessional conduct
17. Repeal and transitional arrangements
Rules relating to the Practising of Para-Veterinary Profession of Laboratory Animal Technologist
Notice No. 1489 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Services pertaining specially to the Para-Veterinary Profession of Laboratory Animal Technologist
3. Exception in respect of rule 2
4. Conduct of persons practising Laboratory Animal Technology Profession
5. Acceptance and payment of commission
6. Business ownership & sharing
7. Fees and estimation of fees
8. Intrusion
9. Advertising
10. Exemptions
11. Reporting of impairment or of unprofessional conduct
12. Repeal and transitional arrangements
Rules relating to the Practising of Para-Veterinary Profession of Animal Health Technician
Notice No. 1493 of 2022
1. Definitions
2. Services pertaining specially to the Animal Health Technician Profession
3. Exception in respect of Rule 2
4. Conduct of persons practising Animal Health Technician Profession
5. Acceptance and payment of commission for services rendered in accordance with Rule 2(2) & (3)
6. Covering
7. Issuing of para-veterinary documents
8. Records at primary animal health care facilities
9. Estimation of fees
10. Use of stock remedies
11. Intrusion
12. Advertising
13. Identification of primary animal health care facilities where primary animal health care services are rendered
Minimum Standards for PAHC Facilities
14. Compliance with Rules
15. General structural requirements for primary animal health care facilities
16. General requirements
17. Mobile primary animal services for an animal health technician practicing from a registered PAHC facility
18. Exemption
19. Reporting of impairment or of unprofessional conduct
20. Repeal and transitional arrangements
Rules relating to the Practising of Para-Veterinary Profession of Veterinary Physiotherapist
Notice No. 1626 of 2023
1. Definitions: Veterinary physiotherapy
2. Services pertaining specially to the Para-Veterinary Profession of Veterinary Physiotherapy
3. Exception in respect of rule 2
Conduct of persons practising Veterinary Physiotherapy
4. General principles
5. Acceptance and payment of commission
6. Business ownership & sharing
7. Fees and estimation of fees
8. Intrusion
9. Advertising
10. Records at veterinary physiotherapy facilities
11. Identification of veterinary physiotherapy facility
Minimum standards for veterinary physiotherapy facilities
12. General structural requirements
13. General requirements at veterinary physiotherapy facilities
14. Minimum equipment at veterinary physiotherapy practices
15. Minimum standards for mobile veterinary physiotherapy facilities
16. Exemption
17. Reporting of impairment or of unprofessional conduct
Rules relating to the disciplinary processes against the veterinary and para-veterinary professions
Notice No. 2557 of 2024
1. Definitions
Procedure at Inquiries into Professional Conduct
1. Lodging of complaints
2. Preliminary investigation
3. Investigative Methodology A
4. Investigative Methodology B
5. Powers and Functions of the Investigation Committee
6. Inquiry into professional conduct
7. Procedure at Inquiry into professional conduct
8. Accessibility into Inquiry into professional conduct
9. Short title
means prescribe by regulation;
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