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Water Services Act, 1997 (Act No. 108 of 1997)


Norms and Standards for Tariff Setting, 2024 - effective 1 April 2026

Norms and Standards in respect of Tariffs for Water Supply Services directly to consumers

19. Tariffs for industrial and other non-domestic water use


(1) A WSA/WSP must structure tariffs for water supply services provided primarily for industrial and other non-domestic use in a way that would encourage the conservation of water; discourage the wasteful use of water and promote health and hygiene specifically for schools' water supply .


(2) A WSA/WSP may not subsidise water tariffs for water supply services provided primarily for industrial and other non-domestic use, except in schools water supply and the promotion of Small, Micro and Medium Enterprise.


(3) In determining the water tariffs for the schools' consumer category, the WSA/WSP should structure the tariff in such a manner that it is a uniform method notwithstanding the different locations of the schools and prioritise the affordability of the services for such households.


(4) The requirements of sub-regulations 19(1) - (2) are deemed to have been met where the tariff for water supply services provided primarily for industrial and other non-domestic use is a flat volumetric tariff set at a rate which is not less than the average per unit revenue amount that is required by the WSA/WSP as set out in regulation 15, but without taking into account subsidies and grants allocated for the purposes of providing basic water services.