R 385
Water Services Act, 1997 (Act No. 108 of 1997)NoticesNorms and Standards for Tariff Setting, 2024 - effective 1 April 2026Norms and Standards in respect of Tariffs for Bulk Water Services9. Submission of a pro-forma tariff table |
(1) | A bulk WSP must submit the following information to the Minister for approval in accordance with the time schedule set out in regulation 12:— |
(a) | a pro-forma tariff table using a format substantially similar to the table in Annexure A for the following: |
(i) | each bulk water tariff at scheme or management unit level; |
(ii) | each type of user, including municipal, industrial or other; and |
(iii) | each type of service, including bulk potable water, bulk raw water, retail water supply, wastewater treatment or any other. |
(b) | the financial model (soft copy in Excel format and hard copy); |
(c) | any accompanying notes and explanations that the bulk water service provider wishes to bring to the Minister's attention. |
(2) | The pro-forma tariff table for each of the tariffs shall include the proposed bulk potable water tariffs for the following year and estimates of the bulk potable water tariffs for the subsequent two (2) years in a format substantially similar to the table in Annexure B. |