R 385
To provide for the equitable division of revenue raised nationally among the national, provincial and local spheres of government for the 2010/11 financial year and the responsibilities of all three spheres pursuant to such division; and to provide for matters connected therewith.
Last update: July 2012
Copyright: This Act reproduced under Government Printers Copyright Authority 10154 dated 20 March 1996
Disclaimer: This Act is presented "as is". Please read our Disclaimer before continuing.
The Division of Revenue Act, 2010 (Act No. 1 of 2010) was amended by;
Government Gazette 34027, dated 15 February 2011 – Notice 125; Schedule regarding the stopping of allocations.
Government Gazette 34192, dated 4 April 2011 – Notice 298; Schedule regarding the stopping of allocations.
The Division of Revenue Act, 2010 has been added to the site – Notice No. 264 in Government Gazette No. 33081 dated 31 March 2010.