R 385
Medical Schemes Act, 1998 (Act No. 131 of 1998)RegulationsRegulations in terms of the Medical Schemes ActAnnexuresAnnexure A |
Explanatory Note
The objective of specifying a set of Prescribed Minimum Benefits within these regulations is two-fold:
(i) | To avoid incidents where individuals lose their medical scheme cover in the event of serious illness and the consequent risk of unfunded utilisation of public hospitals. |
(ii) | To encourage improved efficiency in the allocation of Private and Public health care resources. |
The Department of Health recognises that there is constant change in medical practice and available medical technology. It is also aware that this form of regulation is new in South Africa. Consequently, the Department shall monitor the impact, effectiveness and appropriateness of the Prescribed Minimum Benefits provisions. A review shall be conducted at least every two years by the Department that will involve the Council for Medical Schemes, stakeholders, Provincial health departments and consumer representatives. In addition, the review will focus specifically on development of protocols for the medical management of HIV/AIDS. These reviews shall provide recommendations for the revision of the Regulations and Annexure A on the basis of:
(i) | inconsistencies or flaws in the current regulations; |
(ii) | the cost-effectiveness of health technologies or interventions; |
(iii) | consistency with developments in health policy; and |
(iv) | the impact on medical scheme viability and its affordability to Members. |
Prescribed Minimum Benefits
categories (Diagnosis and Treatment Pairs) constituting the Prescribed Minimum Benefits Package under Section 29(1)(o) of the Medical Schemes Act (listed by Organ-System chapter)