R 385
The Information Regulator of South Africa released Guidelines to Develop Codes of Conduct in terms of Section 65 of the POPIA, effective 1 March 2021.
Now they have issued a Standard for making and dealing with complaints under approved codes of conduct – in terms of the provision of section 63(2)(a)(ii) of the Protection of Personal Information Act No 4 of 2013 (POPIA).
A Checklist that accompanies the Guideline to Develop Codes of Conduct has also been issued.
Notice from the Information Regulator:
Reference - https://www.justice.gov.za/inforeg/docs/InfoRegSA-Notice-CodeOfConduct-20210303.pdf
8-page Standard for making and dealing with complaints under approved codes of conduct:
Reference – https://www.justice.gov.za/inforeg/docs/InfoRegSA-Standard-CodeOfConduct-Complaints-20210301.pdf
2-page Checklist that accompanies the Guideline to Develop Codes of Conduct:
Reference - https://www.justice.gov.za/inforeg/docs/InfoRegSA-Checklist-CodeOfConduct-20210303.pdf