R 385
To define the responsibility of Government in respect of rental housing property; to create mechanisms to promote the provision of rental housing property; to promote access to adequate housing through creating mechanisms to ensure the proper functioning of the rental housing market; to make provision for the establishment of Rental Housing Tribunals; to define the functions, powers and duties of such Tribunals; to lay down general principles governing conflict resolution in the rental housing sector; to provide for the facilitation of sound relations between tenants and landlords and for this purpose to lay down general requirements relating to leases; to repeal the Rent Control Act, 1976; and to provide for matters connected therewith.
Last update: November 2014
Copyright: This Act reproduced under Government Printers Copyright Authority 10154 dated 20 March 1996
Disclaimer: This Act is presented "as is". Please read our Disclaimer before continuing.
The Rental Housing Act, 1999 (Act No. 50 of 1999) has been amended by the Rental Housing Amendment Act, 2014 as per Notice No. 876 of GG38184 dated 5 November 2014.
The Rental Housing Act, 1999, has been amended by the Rental Housing Amendment Act, 2007 (Act No. 43 of 2007);
The Rental Housing Act, 1999, has been added to the site on 31 January 2000, as published in Gazette 20726. A commencement date is still to follow.