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Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)RegulationsRegulations regarding Control of the Export of Animal Products6. Procedure at inspection |
(1) | An inspector may in any consignment of animal products open as many containers and inspect the contents thereof and remove samples of such contents for the purpose of further inspection or analyses as he/she may deem necessary. |
(2) | An inspector's finding in relation to the containers opened by him/her by virtue of the provisions of subregulation (1), and the contents thereof, shall apply as a finding in respect of the whole consignment from which such containers were abstracted. |
(3) | If an inspector is satisfied after his/her inspection that the consignment of animal products— |
(a) | comply with the requirements of these regulations he/she shall approve such consignment for export, either by marking or causing to be marked on each container or label affixed thereto with a mark of approval or by issuing a certificate which indicates such approval; or |
(b) | do not comply withthe requirements of these regulations he/she shall prohibit such consignment for export, either by marking or causing to be marked on each |
(c) | container or label affixed thereto with a mark or prohibition or by issuing a certificate which indicates such prohibition. |
(4) | An inspector may at his/her own discretion re-inspect a consignment of animal products which has already been approved for export, and may confirm or withdraw according to subregulation (3)(b) any previous approval with regard to the consignment concerned: Provided that no inspection fee shall be payable in respect of a re-inspection carried out on demand of an inspector. |