R 385
Agricultural Product Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. 119 of 1990)RegulationsRegulations regarding Control of the Export of Animal Products7. Assessment of the competence of testing laboratories involved in the export of animal products |
(1) | For the purpose of analyses as required by regulation 6(1), analyses may be conducted by a National Reference Laboratory or an Officially Recognized Laboratory. |
(2) | The Executive Officer shall nominate a National Reference Laboratory or an Officially Recognized Laboratory in writing to conduct analyses as set out in subregulation (1). |
(3) | The said laboratory shall be considered on the basis of their suitability, which shall inter alia be based on the following criteria: |
(a) | A reasonable demonstrable knowledge or expertise in the testing and analyses of animal products; |
(b) | Compliance with the general criteria for testing laboratories laid down in ISO/IEC Guide 17025:2017; |
(c) | Annual participation in appropriate proficiency testing schemes for analyses which conform to the requirements as laid down in "The international harmonized protocol for the proficiency testing of analytical laboratories"; |
(d) | Whenever available, use methods of analyses which have been validated according to the principles as laid down by the Codex Alimentarius Commission; and |
(e) | Use internal quality control procedures as described in the document titled "Harmonized Guidelines for internal Quality Control in Analytical Chemistry Laboratories". |
(4) | In addition to compliance with suitability criteria as set out in subregulation (3), an Officially Recognized Laboratory shall be considered for nomination on the following grounds: |
(a) | Of necessity in as far as fulfillment of capacity as determined from time to time by the Executive Officer. |
(b) | On a three-year period, the period which may be considered for renewal upon assessment by the Executive Officer. |