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Astronomy Geographic Advantage Act, 2007 (Act No. 21 of 2007)Chapter 1 : Interpretation, Objectives and Application of Act1. Definitions |
In this Act, unless the context indicates otherwise—
(a) | a core astronomy advantage area; |
(b) | a central astronomy advantage area; or |
(c) | a coordinated astronomy advantage area; |
means features which make an area suitable for astronomy and related scientific endeavours, and includes high atmospheric transparency, low levels of light pollution, low population density and minimal radio frequency interference;
(a) | the science involving the observation and explanation of events beyond the earth and its atmosphere, and includes optical astronomy, radio astronomy, gamma ray astronomy and cosmic ray astronomy; |
(b) | observations that assist in understanding the sun and the magnetosphere; |
(c) | deep space radio dishes, array networks for the management of space flight and the management of strategic scientific deep-space missions; and |
(d) | any other scientific endeavour declared as such by the Minister in terms of section 28; |
means any device, apparatus, equipment or instrument, declared as such by the Minister in terms of section 28, and includes all components, connections and electronic communications links thereof, whether such components, connections or electronic communications links are contiguous or not;
means a juristic person, public entity or organ of state designated under section 28(3)(b);
means the broadcasting service as defined in section 1 of the Electronic Communications Act, 2005;
means the broadcasting service license as defined in section 1 of the Electronic Communications Act, 2005;
means an area declared as such in terms of section 9(1);
means the Minister or a person designated by the Minister in terms of section 26;
means an area declared as such in terms of section 11(1);
means an area declared as such in terms of section 7(1);
means declare by notice in the Gazette;
means an activity declared as such in terms of section 23 in respect of one or more core or central astronomy advantage area;
means the national Department of Science and Technology;
means the Director-General of the Department;
means the Electronic Communications Act, 2005 (Act No. 36 of 2005);
means any device transmitting radio waves from a fixed location;
means the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa established by section 3 of the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa Act, 2000 (Act No. 13 of 2000);
means an activity declared as such in terms of section 24;
means any fixed or mobile device, instrument, component or equipment capable of emitting electromagnetic waves, and includes lasers, light sources, computers, signal processors, radio transmission equipment and cables, lighting equipment, electric-powered machinery and other electrical, optical and electronic equipment;
means the Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act, 2005 (Act No. 13 of 2005);
means any effect from artificially created or harnessed light that is visible to the naked eye or can be detected with astronomical instrumentation at night, such as sky glow, glare, light trespass and light clutter, which impacts on astronomy, and includes the effect of street lighting, outdoor security lights, laser promotional lights or self-lit billboards;
means the organ of state or other institution or juristic person in which the authority to manage a particular astronomy advantage area is vested in terms of section 15;
means a Member of the Executive Council of a province;
means the Minister responsible for science and technology;
means any device, instrument, component or equipment capable of causing radio frequency interference which is easily transportable or of which transportability is an inherent feature, and includes cellular telephones, walkie-talkies, and mobile electronic communications units in vehicles;
means the Local Government: Municipal Demarcation Act, 1998 (Act No. 27 of 1998);
means the National Research Foundation established by section 2 of the National Research Foundation Act, 1998 (Act No. 23 of 1998);
means the collection and measurement of radiation, including electromagnetic near-ultraviolet, visible and infrared radiation, from astronomical sources by means of optical instruments;
has the meaning assigned to it in section 239 of the Constitution;
means prescribe by regulation;
means astronomy based on the reception of radio waves of cosmic origin;
means the emission, transmission or reception of any radio frequency signals which have the ability to interfere with or inhibit radio astronomy or any device used to undertake radio astronomy;
means the electromagnetic frequency spectrum from 1 kiloHertz to 1 teraHertz;
means radio frequency spectrum license as defined in section 1 of the Electronic Communications Act, 2005.
means any device or equipment capable of transmitting electromagnetic waves in the radio frequency spectrum over a short distance;
means the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996;
includes any subordinate legislation issued under or in terms of this Act.