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Border Management Authority Act, 2020 (Act No. 2 of 2020)ProclamationsCommencement of the Border Management Authority Act, 2020 (Act No. 2 of 2020)Proclamation No. 41 of 2020 |
Proclamation No. 41
24 December 2020
GG 44038
by the
President of the Republic of South Africa
In terms of section 41(2)(a) and (b) of the Border Management Authority Act, 2020 (Act No. 2 of 2020), I hereby determine 1 January 2021 as the date on which sections 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 of the said Act come into operation.
Given under my Hand and the Seal of the Republic of South Africa at Pretoria on this 20 day of December Two Thousand and Twenty.
By Order of the President-In-Cabinet
Minister of the Cabinet